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Venna is a small exclusive resort city some 2oo pasangs north of AR . It is noted for its baths and its Tharilion races. Not much information is given in the books about these races but it is safe to assume that they were like horse races but much more violent. The racers probally attacked each other makeing the races like the chariot races in ancient Rome. Venna has many fine shoppes catering to the trade of the affluent and well to do who patronize the baths and open villas of the area. Venna was built to delight the eye of the weary traveller . Venna is a place to laugh and dance and be pleasured in peaceful surroundings .the streets are filled with galleries museums gardens and merry street preformers.Since the sacking of Venna anything to do with the scarlet caste was fashionable . a new city ordinance required that all free Men of a certain age to assemble every hand for weapons practice so Venna would not be caught sleeping again but most of the Men paid a special tax to keep from haveing to go to these assemblies and that was fine all the money went into a WAR FUND in which Venna used to hire mercenary guards men and instituted a very simple and practical defense system.


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