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Monday Clear and sunny day with no clouds marring the skies overhead, perfect for picknicks or huntings...
Tuesday The hot and winds still weather of the foreday is broken up a bit by winds that pick up force slightly over the day, coming from the southeast
Wednesday The wind is expected to still build up in strength, but gradually changing direction to come from soutwest Banks of dark and loomy clouds can be seen on the far horizon .
Thursday Signs for some bad weather ahead are building.there are heavy winds begining to gust from the south and thick dark clouds begining to roll in.
Friday Bad weather might be heading toward the city over the course of the weekend, with some risk of thunderstorms of varying strength riding along the strong winds that sweep the streets. Concerning this weekend the opinions of the resources for this forecast differ widely, ranging from severe storms to the brightest of weather. It is encouraged to anticipate either of the array of possibilities in between.
Saturday If not already hit by any, the potential for thunderstorms today even greater than the foreday and hazarding the city. It is encourage to stay inside the buildings over the course of the weekend, if possible. If the winds have changed over the week the bank of clouds might be blown into a different direction, in which case the weather will clear up and the sun will come through.
Sunday Third day of probably bad weather with lightning, rain and thunder. Possible rains might cover the streets with streams of mud. Care in traveling inside the city is recommended.




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