brought to you by Los Angeles Wedding Minister Rev. Angelle Keiffer

Would you like to have your wedding on TV?

I've been asked to perform all imaginable sorts of weddings, from the fabulously elegant and serious, to the most whimsical and humorous. A number of reality TV shows have asked me to bring them couples who might like to have their wedding performed on TV (and get paid for it!).

Most wedding shows focus on the drama and the process leading up to the ceremony, as well as the ceremony itself, so get in touch right away if you'd like your wedding to be on TV.

TV wedding ideas can include (but are not limited to)

Strange wedding locations (underwater, sky-diving, mountaintop, etc)

Unusual ceremony themes (Bizarre themes, Redneck weddings, unique ceremonies)

Over-the-top personalities for the bride, groom and/or others involved in the wedding.

Behind-the-scenes drama/tension from the family

Spring 2012 We Are Also Seeking:

- Women or men who are struggling to maintain a relationship with a disapproving in-law

- Women or men has a relationship with an in-law that is coming between you and your fiance/spouse?

- Do you want to try and repair this relationship before a big event in your life? (i.e. wedding, baby, etc.)

We need you for the 2012 casting season!

Click here to suggest Your Wedding for a TV show

This site (c) 1999-2012 Reverend Angelle Keiffer
all rights reserved

Click here to email Rev Angelle


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California officiant wedding minister for wedding ceremony