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About Universal Ministry

The Universal Ministry is a multi-faith organization based in Mentor, Ohio in Lake County that is dedicated to networking with people of all religious backgrounds and Faiths who desire fellowship and contact with other Spiritual people.  We welcome those who are exploring alternative options to their traditional Church.  Managed by an eclectic group of spiritual people from California, people from all Faiths, religious traditions, and walks of life are welcome to fellowship and share their knowledge here. We have no agenda beyond the worship of the Sacred, comparative religious studies, and spreading goodness, kindness and love to those who fellowship with us. We do not seek to "convert" anyone to any particular Faith or Path.  That is for each person to choose for his or herself.* 

Members of our parish come from all walks of Life and many different Spiritual Paths. Nothing is more or less Sacred here if it is shared with positive and appropriate Intent: the Eclectic, the Christian, the Taoist, the Jew, the Buddhist, the Native American, the Hindu, the Agnostic etc; our goal is to provide an optimal environment in which we can all grow and learn from each other, worshiping God with the best guidance S/he has given us from all corners of the globe.

Non-denominational, multi-faith clergy is available for your wedding, handfasting, baptism, blessing, wiccaning or other ceremony for which you require a pastor.

Thank you,

Reverend Angelle Keiffer
Senior Pastor
Universal Ministry

(818) 510-4407

* (Faiths that do not subscribe to a doctrine of goodness and enlightenment might wish to seek fellowship elsewhere, as our focus and Intent would not be compatible.)


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and Universal Compositions all rights reserved