Redemption Facts
The Blood of Jesus was poured out for the forgiveness of our sins�
�A Fountain has been opened to cleanse us from our sin and uncleanness�
�Our sins are remitted through the Blood of Jesus�
�Jesus is the Lamb of God and He has taken away the sin of the World�
�Righteousness is credited to us when we believe in Jesus�
�Jesus was betrayed and put to death because of our sins�
�Jesus was raised from the dead in order to secure our justification�
Dr Rex al Opusunju
�We are Justified                  
           �Jesus has balanced our "sin account "�
             �He has absolved us from all guilt before God
                           Jesus died for my sins in accordance with what the Scriptures foretold
              He gave and yielded Himself up to cleanse us from our sins
                 He gave up Himself to save and sanctify us
              We are saved and sanctified
                     He has delivered and rescued us from this present wicked age and world order
                                        God our Father planned, willed and purposed in Himself for His Son Jesus to rescue
                               and deliver us from this wicked world order
                         We have deliverance and Salvation by the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Our sins, offences, shortcomings and trespasses are all remitted by the Blood of Jesus Christ
                          Jesus expresses the glory of God
                          We are the expression of God's glory in Him
                   Jesus Is the Light Being
                    We are light beings in Him
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