Jesus Spoiled  Principalities and Powers
And having spoiled principalities and powers,  he
Made a show of them openly, triumphing  over
Them in it
(Col. 2:15)
Satan is a thief and Adam lost  the dominion of the earth to him through disobedience. Adam legally delivered  the dominion of this earth to Satan in disobedience to God's Word and by that  act of disobedience, Satan became the god of the world.(Luke 4:6 , 2 Cor.4:3).  He legally snatched away the authority of this earth from Adam. The authority  that he snatched away from Adam was legally "delivered to him"(Luke  4:6).
The devil has continued to keep  men in bondage by fear and the power of death (Hebrews 2:14,15). Jesus however  went to the cross to die for man and redeem him from Satan's bondage. He met  Satan in an open combat defeating him and all his evil principalities in hell.  He also took away from Satan the power of spiritual death. In that single  combat, Jesus plundered Satan's arsenal, devoured and laid him waste. Satan's  soundness, strength and effectiveness were completely depleted. He and his  cohorts were disarmed, arrested, and paraded as captives in Christ's Victory  procession before the beings of three worlds, heaven, earth and hell. Glory to  God!
And at the cross He disarmed the evil  principali-
ties and powers, and made a public display  of
them, leading them as captives in His  victory
(Col.2:15 The New Translation)
Jesus is LORD, obtaining a staggering Victory  for us in His Name over  Satan:
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him  and
Given him a  name which is above every name:
That at the name of Jesus every knee  should
Bow, of things in earth, and things under  the
Earth, And that every tongue should confess  that
Jesus is LORD, to the Glory of  God.
(Phil. 2:9-11)
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Jesus Spoiled Principalities and Powers
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