"...that your love may abound more and more in  knoledge and all discernment..."(Phil 1:9)
Behold I give unto you power to tread  on
Serpents and scorpions and over all  the power of
The enemy; and nothing shall by any  means hurt
(Luke 10:19)
Jesus has  given us authority to walk on all power of the enemy! .You will notice that the  word power occur twice in our text.  There are two different Greek words for power in our text. The first word is "exousia" which literally means authority, right or privilege. The  second word "Dunamis" is ability or strength. Our text should  literally read like this:
Behold I give unto you authority, right or  privilege
To walk on serpents and scorpions,  and over all
The ability or strength of the enemy and  nothing
Shall by any means hurt  you.
(Luke 10:19)
Jesus  referred to the ability or strength  of Satan as NO-THING:
Behold I give unto you authority,  right or privilege
To walk on...all the ability or strength of  the
Enemy and nothing (which means NO-THING of
All the ability or strength of the  enemy, Satan)
Shall by any means hurt  you.
(Luke 10:19)
All the  ability or strength of Satan are NO-THING!. This simply means that  Satan's ability or strength has ZERO  effect on the believer because of the authority God has given to  him.
Satan is now  become a nonentity or a cipher as far as the believer is  concerned. He cannot possibly DO THE BELIEVER ANY HARM. Glory to  God!
The word shall is a very powerful word in the  English language. It is generally used to express a command or to express what  seems inevitable or likely[to happen] or to express futurity or termination. In  our text, this word is used to express the inevitable!. Jesus wasquite certain that non of Satan's ability  or strength shall by any means hurt us. Satan cannot by any of his agencies or channels hurt the believer who understands his place of authority and walks in the light of it.
The English  word "hurt" is translated from a  Greek word "Adikeo". "Adikeo" is used in the Greek New testament Bible to describe the wrong or ill or insult done to a person  or thing. It is also used when a privilege or right is violated or  when the highest injustice is committed against a person.It is used in this sense 27 times in the Greek  New Testament.
Satan cannot  cause any pain nor inflict injuries on our bodies when we stand against him. It  is impossible for him to deplete our soundness, strength and effectiveness by  all modes of his operations against us. He cannot rob us or violate the  privileges we have in Christ. Let us make up our minds to demonstrate Satan's  defeat. We must refuse to be robbed nor denied of our rights in  Christ!
Allow the  truth of God's word to soak into your spirit. Glory to God  forevermore!
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