Whilst on the way back to the K.A.R morter platoon after our pig hunt & checking food dump locations,, which had negative results, the officer suddenly said " right lets go fishing!" we looked at each other not understanding what he was on about but we soon found out what he meant when he held out his hand which held two grenades. I and another squaddie left our rifles on the bank and waded out into the middle of the river which came up to our waists. The officer left the other two on guard while he went upstream, then he threw in the grenades which went up with a Whoomp! and water shot up into the air and  soon after the fish came floating down river either stunned of killed by the explosions. There were too many to hold, so we tucked them inside our tunics, soon those that were stunned came back to life which was a horrible feeling so we  hurriedly waded to the bank to unload them.  When we arrived back at base the fish were given to the cook to make a fish curry for the platoon that night, not for me thank you!
That's the only time that I have been fishing since I was a boy.! 
This is The Cricket Pavilion in K.L which I believe still stands exactly the same as it did all those years ago despite the changes that have taken place.
This was the scene of a bet that a mate of ours said he would do and that was to walk into the pavilion, have a drink and come out!  The chaps name was Swan and he came from Southend,I think his parents owned a florists, we took him up on this and gathered outside. Swan came along, nice white shirt, tie & slacks smoking a fag with a cigarette holder! He could put the voice on I remember and as though he belonged there entered the pavilion which I should have said was out of bounds to other ranks, strictly officers & civil servants only!  
Well he won his bet and when he joined us outside we all cheered and slapped him on the back giving the members cause for concern as to why we were hitting this officer!
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