Ronald E. McNair
Ronald McNair was selected as an astronaut in NASA's eighth class (1978).  He would make two flights on board the space shuttle.  His first mission was in 1984 when he served as a mission specialist on board STS-41-B.  Next, he was assigned to serve as a mission specialist on the doomed STS-51-L mission.  This was the highly promoted flight in which Christa McAuliffe was to teach from on board the space shuttle.  STS-51-L lifted off on January 28, 1986, but 73 seconds into the launch there was a large explosion.  The Space Shuttle Challenger was destroyed and the crew was lost, this was the first NASA shuttle disaster.  McNair died along with the rest of the Challenger crew.  He logged almost 8 days in space.

My Collection: This is a water survival training cover which McNair has autographed (along with 4 other astronauts).  Below the cover is a close-up on his signature.
American Astronauts
Deceased Astronauts/Cosmonauts
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