Norman E. Thagard
Norman Thagard was selected as an astronaut in NASA's eighth class (1978).  His first mission was in 1983 when he was a missions specialist on STS-7.  Next, he served as a mission specialist on the 1985 flight of STS-51-B.  Thagard's third mission came in 1989 when he was a mission specialist on STS-30.  His next mission was in 1992 when he was a mission specialist on STS-42.  His fifth and final mission was in 1995 when he became the first American to be launched in a Russian spacecraft.  On March 14, 1995, Thagard was launched on board Soyuz TM-21 and was part of the Mir-18 crew; he was also the first of a group of astronauts who lived on the Russian Mir Space Station.  After living on Mir for four months, the STS-71 crew arrived in July and brought the entire Mir-18 crew home; this included Thagard.  He retired from the astronaut corps in 1996 having logged 140 days in space during his five missions.

My Collection: Above is an autographed unlined 3x5 notecard.  Below is a astronaut water survival course cover which Thagard has autographed (as have 13 other astronauts).  There is a close-up of his signature below the image of the cover.
American Astronauts
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