The X-Files Episode Guide

Season Six




Written By:
Chris Carter

Directed By:
Kim Manners

Production Code: 6X01

Original Airdate 11/08/98

Guest Stars: Mitch Pileggi as Assitant Director Walter Skinner, Mimi Rogers as Agent Diane Fowley, William B. Davis as Cigarette Smoking Man, Chris Owens as Agent Jeffrey Spender, Jeff Gulka as Gibson Praise, George Murdock as 2nd Elder, Don S. Williams as 1st Elder, Kim Robillard as 2nd Workman (Homer), Rick Millikan as Sandy, Wayne Alexander as A.D. Arnold, Arthur Taxier as A.D. Bart, Wendie Malick as A.D. Maslin, James Pickering
Jr. as A.D. Kersh, Scott Eberlein as Black Haired Man

Mulder and Scully's ability to pursue the X-Files - and their partnership - is threatened by the hunt for a deadly creature in the Arizona desert, whose capture may or may not prove Mulder's theories about the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Mulder and Scully are brought before a review board to justify their re-assignment on the X-Files. The board needs scientific proof of extraterrestrial life. Mulder argues that concrete evidence exists via Scully, who had earlier been infected by an alien virus. When Scully is vague regarding this infection, the board gives the team their final warning - find concrete evidence or else.

On the sly, A.D. Skinner gives Mulder a lead on a strange case in Arizona that might give him the hard evidence he needs. At the crime scene, Mulder theorizes that the victim was infected by an alien virus and that this virus ultimately produced an alien entity. The entity then ripped away the victim's chest from the inside as it birthed itself.

Meantime, the Syndicate is irate that this "situation" has surfaced and is getting so much attention. Cigarette-Smoking Man assures them that he is taking care of the problem. He brings Gibson Praise, the young chess prodigy, to the crime scene in hopes that Praise can divine where the creature has escaped to.

The agents are drawn to a nearby power plant where another murder has occurred. They are met by agents Spender and Fowley who deny Mulder access to the new crime scene. When Mulder and Scully return to their car, they find Praise hiding in the back seat.

Mulder wants to use Praise to find the alien creature, but Scully talks him out of it, explaining that Praise is the scientific evidence Mulder's been looking for. Praise can corroborate everything Mulder's been saying. Scully tells Mulder that Praise needs medical attention and just as they're about to drive him to the hospital, Agent Fowley arrives. Scully continues on to the hospital with Praise, while Mulder and Fowley go to the plant to find the creature.

At the plant, Mulder and Fowley discover evidence that the alien is there. He calls Scully at the hospital to tell her this; in turn, she reveals that Praise has traces of the alien virus in his body -- somehow, Praise is part extraterrestrial. While Scully's attention is diverted, Black-Haired Man kidnaps Praise and takes him to the power plant to find and destroy the alien. Mulder catches up with Praise and Black-Haired Man, but it is too late. They have locked themselves inside the core reactor room. Mulder watches helplessly as the alien kills Black-Haired Man. The alien turns on Praise just as the plant's alarms sound and FBI agents swarm the area. Fowley, now seeming to be on Spender's side, approaches Mulder and tells him to back off.

Back at the review board, the panel tells Mulder and Scully to cease all association with the X-Files. They are put on probation and told to report to a new boss, Assistant Director Kersh.


119 "DRIVE"

Written By:
Vince Gilligan

Directed By:
Rob Bowman

Production Code: 6X02

Original Airdate 11/15/98

Guest Stars: Mitch Pileggi as Assitant Director Walter Skinner, Junior Brown as The Farmer, Bryan Cranston as Patrick Crump, Janine Venable as Vicky Crump, Michael O'Neill as The Patrol Captain, Bob Peters as The Idaho News Anchor, Frank Buckley as The Nevada News Anchor, Mindy Seeger as The Coroner, Harry Danner as The CDC Doctor, James Pickens, Jr. as A.D. Kersh , Scott A. Smith as The Prison Doctor, Ken Collins as The Gas Station Attendant

With Mulder trapped in a car by a seemingly deranged man, Scully races to determine if the man is suffering from a deadly illness - and if Mulder is in danger of becoming the next victim.

Via a live news report, a high-speed car chase comes to an end in the Nevada desert. Assuming it to be a kidnapping, the female passenger is pulled from the vehicle and placed into the protective custody of a police vehicle. The driver, Patrick Crump, is pushed to the asphalt and handcuffed. The woman in the police car begins violently banging her head against the car window. As the news chopper catches all of this on film, the woman's head explodes, sending a spray of blood across the window.

The agents get wind of this bizarre car chase as they're doing scut work in Idaho. Mulder coerces Scully into taking a detour by Elko, Nevada on a hunch that this may be an X-File. Once there, however, Mulder manages to get himself kidnapped by Crump, who has escaped from the police.

Mulder realizes that Crump is in a considerable amount of pain and that the only way to ease the pain is to drive west. Scully investigates the Crumps home and discovers that an antenna array emitting ELF waves stretches beneath their property. She deduces that an abnormal surge in these waves somehow caused a rising pressure in the inner ear of the nearby inhabitants. Westward motion seems to be the only thing to help the ease the pain of the increasing pressure.

Mulder explains to Crump that Scully will meet them at the end of the highway. There she will insert a needle into Crump's inner ear, hopefully relieving the pressure. But when Mulder arrives, it is too late. Crump has already died.



Written And Directed By:
Chris Carter

Production Code: 6X03

Original Airdate 11/22/98

Guest Stars: Mitch Pileggi as Assitant Director Walter Skinner, William B. Davis as Cigarette Smoking Man, Tom Braidwood as Frohike, Dean Haglund as Langly, Bruce Harwood as Byers, Chris Owens as Agent Jeffrey Spender, Arlene Pileggi as Skinner's Assistant, Laura Leigh Hughes as Kersh's Assistant, Madison Mason as Captain Harburg, Trevor Goddard as The 1st British Crewman, G.W. Stevens as The 2nd British Crewman, Greg Ellis as The 3rd British Crewman, Nick Meaney as The 4th British Crewman, Robert Thomas Beck as 1st Mate, James Pickens Jr. as A.D. Kersh, Robert Arce as Bald-Headed Man, Wolfgang Gerhard as 1st Nazi, Guido Foehrweisser as 2nd Nazi, Kai Wulff as 3rd Nazi, Issac C. Singleton Jr. as 1st Roughneck

A trip to the Bermuda Triangle lands Mulder in the middle of a bizarre conflict on a mysterious ship, with the fate of the world in his hands.

Thrown out of his dingy by a ferocious storm in the Sargasso Sea, Mulder is fished out the ocean by hostile sailors. When he regains his wits, he realizes he's boarded the "Queen Anne", an English luxury liner that disappeared in the 1930s during World War II.

Brought before the ship's captain Yip Harburgh, Mulder tries to explain that the war is over and that the boat has been caught in some kind of time warp called the Devil's Triangle for the past 50 years. But he captain and crew have very different feelings, as the reality of the moment tells us that the liner has been captured by Nazi soldiers. The Nazis believe that the boat is carrying "Thor's Hammer", which they assume to be an atom bomb. When Mulder accidentally reveals that "Thor's Hammer" is the scientist who can make an atom bomb, the Nazis steer a path for Germany, hoping to use the atom bomb technology to win the war.

The atom bomb scientist on board is traveling with a woman who looks identical to Scully. Mulder enlists the aid of the Scully look-alike, telling her she must turn the ship around and save the future. If she doesn't, the Germans will win the war, and ultimately, Mulder and Scully will not exist. The Scully look-alike is confused, but Mulder is in a hurry, he's got to get back to his own history. Realizing he may never get another chance, he gives the Scully look-alike a deep kiss, for which she repays him with a "special" kiss of her own - a right hook to his chin. Mulder jumps overboard.

Meantime, the Lone Gunmen approach Scully at FBI headquarters and inform her of Mulder's disappearance. She enlists the help of Skinner to get information from the Navy's satellite tracking system to find the missing ship.

Racing to the spot where Mulder disappeared, the Gunmen and Scully find the ship and rescue Mulder. At the hospital, the Lone Gunmen, Scully and Skinner visit Mulder. He tries to explain all that happened, but they downplay it as a dream. They all wish him a speedy recovery and leave. It is then that Mulder feels a bruise on his face given to him by one of the Nazis. And he realizes it wasn't a dream after all.



Written By:
Vince Gilligan, John Shiban, Frank Spotnitz

Directed By:
Kim Manners

Production Code: 6X04

Original Airdate 11/29/98

Guest Stars: Mitch Pileggi as Assitant Director Walter Skinner, Michael Mckean as Morris Fletcher, Michael Buchman Silver as Howard Grodin, Scott Allan Campbell as Jeff Smoodge, Tyler Binkley as Terry Fletcher, Dara Hollingworth as Christine Fletcher, Nora Dunn as Joane Fletcher, James Pickens Jr. as A.D. Kersh, John Mahon as General Wegman, Julia Vera as Mrs. Lana Chee, Laura Leigh Hughes as Kersh's Assistant

An anonymous tip finally brings Mulder and Scully to the mecca of all UFO lore - Area 51. But when the agents witness the flight of a mysterious craft, their lives are profoundly - and perhaps irrevocably - altered.

Mulder drags Scully deep in the Nevada desert to meet a "source" who supposedly works at Area 51 and is going to give Mulder proof positive of the government's experimentation with alien technology. Unfortunately, before they can rendez-vous with the informant, they are stopped by other Area 51 officials who tell them they must turn around. as Scully tries to haul Mulder back into the car, a UFO flies overhead. It emits a massive heat ripple which switches the personalities of Mulder and Morris Fletcher, one of the Area 51 officials. Unbeknownst to anyone other than Mulder and Morris, Morris (who now inhabits Mulder's body) climbs back into the car with Scully, leaving Mulder (who is now in Morris' body) with the Area 51 goons.

Entrenched behind the walls of the mecca of UFO lore, Mulder tries to untangle the mess he's found himself in. Morris, on the other hand, is just happy to be given this new life as a single FBI agent; he doesn't lift one finger to try to reverse the situation.

Mulder tries to prove to Scully that he is not Morris, though Scully is skeptical at best. He tells her he will give her scientific proof via a flight data recorder which was recovered from another plane that crashed during test flights at Area 51. Unfortunately, Morris (aka Mulder) gets wind of Mulder's plan and informs A.D. Kersh. Kersh then orders Scully to set a trap for Mulder. The Area 51 police arrive and capture Mulder. And as Scully watches the MPs drag off this man who looks like Morris Fletcher, but claims to be Mulder, she wonders if there may be any truth to the odd turn of events.

To be continued ...



Written By:
Vince Gilligan, John Shiban, Frank Spotnitz

Directed By:
Kim Manners

Production Code: 6X05

Original Airdate 12/06/98

Guest Stars: Mitch Pileggi as Assitant Director Walter Skinner, Michael Mckean as Morris Fletcher, Michael Buchman Silver as Howard Grodin, Scott Allan Campbell as Jeff Smoodge, Tom Braidwood as Frohike, Dean Haglund as Langly, Bruce Harwood as Byers, Tyler Binkley as Terry Fletcher, Dara Hollingworth as Christine Fletcher, Nora Dunn as Joanne Fletcher, Chris Ufland as Sam, Mike Rad as Randy, Lisa Joann Thompson as Kelly, John Mahon as General Wegman, Julia Vera as Mrs. Lana Chee, Nick Lashaway as Young Mulder, Ashlynn Rose as Young Samantha, Chris Owens as Mulder's Dad

Scully begins to suspect that her partner's strange behavior is more than it appears to be, while Mulder fights to return his life to normal before it's too late.

Still trapped inside Man-In-Black Morris' body, Mulder manages to evade the brig when his fellow MIB cohorts discover that the flight data recorder Mulder tried to give Scully was a fake. They come to the conclusion that Mulder was trying to run a scam on the FBI. Mulder plays along and the MIBs are relieved, but still want the original flight data recorder back. Mulder waffles, but tells them he has it and that he'll return it.

Meanwhile, Scully is put on suspension and Morris (in Mulder's body) tries to ease her pain by inviting her to his house for a home-cooked meal. Suspicious at first, she agrees. But when she gets there, she finds an immaculate apartment and an actual bedroom she never knew Mulder had. Things are just a bit too weird. She confronts Morris about the switch and he comes clean, further explaining that he has no idea how to switch back.

A reluctant Morris accompanies Scully as she reveals to Mulder that there may not be a way to reverse this process. But somehow, one of the MIBs discover that the time warp is snapping back, reversing time in the process. He positions Mulder and Morris in the right time at the right place and their personalities are returned to the rightful bodies. Their memories of the past few days are rewound as well and no one remembers a thing. This perplexes Mulder when returns home to find a spotless apartment.



Written And Directed By:
Chris Carter

Production Code: 6X08

Original Airdate 12/13/98

Guest Stars: Mitch Pileggi as Assitant Director Walter Skinner, Lily Tomlin as Lyda, Edward Asner as Maurice

On the night before Christmas, Mulder convinces Scully to put aside her gift wrapping and stake out a reputed haunted house. But they discover a married couple living in the house, keeping a secret the agents never expected.

It's late Christmas Eve. Telling tales of star-crossed lovers who forged a pact to be together for eternity, Mulder lures Scully into the darkened mansion that the ghost couple purportedly haunts. Once inside, the front door locks behind the duo and traps them inside. Mulder believes it is the work of the ghosts who inhabit the house. Scully, ever the skeptic, instructs Mulder on the psychology of peoples' need to believe in the afterlife as a means to satisfy their fear of mortality. But when a previously locked door springs open and a light shines from inside the room beyond, Mulder chalks it up to ghosts. Scully, admitting that she is afraid but that it's an irrational fear, still sticks with the belief that people might be actually living in the house.

Passing through the door, the partners find themselves in a library. And in a series of odd twists and turns, they become separated -each trapped in some parallel universe version of the library. It is here that Mulder meets Maurice The Ghost (Ed Asner), who convinces Mulder to shoot Scully. In her own parallel library, Scully meets Lyda The Ghost (Lily Tomlin), who convinces Scully to shoot Mulder. When the two agents meet back up, they follow through on the ghosts' mischievous plan and fire their weapons on each other. As they lay gasping on the staircase landing, they realize it was only some kind of mind trick played on them by the ghosts.

Safely ensconced back in their homes, the duo agree that the events of the evening never happened.



Written By:
David Amann

Directed By:
Rob Bowman

Production Code: 6X06

Original Airdate 01/03/99

Guest Stars: Chris Owens as Agent Spender, Bruce Campbell as Wayne Weinsider, Lisa Jane Persky as Laura Weinsider, Michael Milhoan as Dep. Arky Stevens, Grace Phillips as Betsy Monroe.Michael Rothhaar as Dr. Couvillion. Lenora May as Ms. Britton. Jimmy Staszkiel as Mr. Ginsberg


When a mother is accused of killing her unborn child, Mulder and Scully begin to suspect a more sinister force is at work.

Wayne and Laura Weinsider are just like any other couple - they want to start a family. But when the ultrasound shows possible deformities in the baby that Laura is carrying, it is Wayne who becomes visibly upset. That night, Laura has a nightmare that a demon has come to steal her baby. When she wakes, she realizes the nightmare has come true and that her unborn baby has been taken from her.

The town's sheriff, who happens to be Laura's brother, brings the case to Agent Spender who round-files it to the shredder. But Mulder manages to salvage the report and begins his own investigation. His primary suspect is Wayne but Scully thinks that Laura self-aborted and has her arrested. Meantime, Mulder follows Wayne and ultimately uncovers that Wayne has been living a dual life. His second wife, Betsy, lives on the other side of town and Mulder fears for her safety. As Mulder and Scully race to save Betsy, a car skids to a stop in the middle of the road. It's Betsy, who exits the car bleeding, exclaiming that Wayne took her baby.

Moving on to Betsy's house, Mulder and Scully find Wayne furiously digging in the backyard. The agents think Wayne is burying Betsy's unborn baby, but before Wayne can tell them otherwise, the sheriff arrives and shoots Wayne down. What Wayne would have told the agents is that he was actually digging up unborn normal babies - the ones Betsy had buried there. Being a demon himself, a normal baby was all Wayne ever wanted. But it seems Betsy, being even more evil than he, had always wanted just the opposite -- a demon baby. And as Betsy drives into the sunset with her newborn baby, we see that's exactly what she got.



writer: Jeffrey Bell

Production Code: 6X07

Original Airdate 01/10/99

Guest Stars: Clayton Rohner as Daryl Mootz, David Manis as Holman Hardt, Victoria Jackson as Sheila Fontaine, Thom McFadden as the Doctor, Dirk Blocker as Mayor Gilmore, Dan Gifford as the local news anchor, Francesca Ingrassia as Cindy Culpepper

Mulder drags Scully to Kroner, Kansas, to look into allegations that one Daryl Mootz is charging people to make it rain. They witness one of Mootz's "side shows", but it actually seems to rain in response to his bidding. They speak to Sheila Fontaine and Holman Hardt, the manager and meteorologist of the local TV station. Hardt says that Mootz cannot be responsible for the drought the area is suffering, but he does seem to have a knack for being where the rain will be. In his hotel room, Mulder watches as a cow is lifted into the air by a small twister; when the cow crashes in on top of the room, he finds Fontaine outside, waiting for his - she blames herself for the cow. Bad weather just seems to follow her. Mulder suspects it is Hardt, though, who has a control on the weather. He ties the good weather to his happiness, the drought to his depression over his love for Fontaine. Mootz was Fontaine's fiancee when a "freak storm" hit him and he lost the use of his legs. Holman felt that he was responsible for Mootz's accident - now that it is clear the cause was his drunkenness and not the weather; so, he helped by creating downpours. Mulder tries to convince Hardt to talk to Fontaine - when he does, she tells him she is in love with... Mulder. Scully and Mulder convince Sheila and Holman that they need to talk to each other; at the local high school's 20-year reunion, they are united for the first time, and the freak storm that was raging outside stops. A year later, Holman and Sheila celebrate the birth of their child with a Holman-provided rainbow.


126 "SR 819"

written by John Shiban

directed by: Dan Sackheim

Production Code: 6X10

Original Airdate 01/17/99

Guests Stars: Mitch Pileggi as Assistant Director Walter Skinner, Nicholas Lea as Alex Krycek, Raymond J. Barry as Senator Richard Matheson, Arlene Pileggi as Skinner's Secretary, Kenneth Tigar as Dr. Plant, Jenny Gago as Dr. Katrina Cabrera, John Towey as Dr. Kenneth Orgel, Donna Marie Moore as ICU Nurse, Greta Fadness as OR Nurse, Dan Klass as Forensic Tech, Susana Mercedes as Driver, Tim Van Pelt as Young Surgeon, Keith Coulouris as Intern, Al Paris as Silk Shirt Man, Jonathan Fraser as Uniformed Cop, Julie Hubert as Exam Room Nurse, Mickey Knox as Trainer


Skinner is knocked out in a sparring match and is taken to the hospital, but is released with a clean bill of health. While there, he gets an odd call, telling him he only has 24 hours to live. He goes to the FBI, where Mulder sees him walk by. Mulder calls Scully, who walks in to find Skinner exhausted on his couch, a nasty "bruise" on his ribs. He relates the story to them. Mulder walks Skinner back in his memory, looking for anything odd - at one point, a man stopped him in the hall and asked for the time. They find the man on the security tapes - Scully recognizes him as Dr. Kenneth Orgel, a noted physicist and advisor to a Senate subcommittee. Skinner and Mulder go to Orgel's home, and Orgel denies knowing Skinner, but then shots are fired. A bunch of men run off with Orgel - Mulder stops one of them, but has to let him go - he is a Tunisian diplomat. Mulder looks over Orgel's papers and find a picture of him with Senator Richard Matheson, Mulder's old buddy. Mulder asks Matheson about SR 819, a bill Orgel was consulting on. Matheson says it is nothing - an agriculture bill. Skinner, meanwhile, follows the Tunisian - he is shot at in a parking garage, but saved when a long-haired man hits the gunman with his car. Skinner collapses and is rushed to the hospital. Scully discovers something in Skinner's blood - nanotechnology, small, self-replicating machines, that are eating his blood. Mulder goes to Skinner's office and finds some papers relating to SR 819, which he was reviewing for export violations. Matheson goes to an abandoned power plant and finds Orgel strapped to a table. As Matheson watches, the Long-Haired Man uses a hand held computer to activate the nanomachines, and Orgel dies. Mulder tracks Matheson to the plant; Matheson tells Mulder that he is a victim in this himself, with no way out. Skinner dies, but is revived when the Long-Haired Man turns the nanomachines off. Mulder chases the man, but loses him. Weeks later, Skinner is recovered, and tells Mulder and Scully to drop the case and report back to Kersh. Skinner goes to his car and finds the Long-Haired Man in his car - Krycheck, who still controls the dormant nanomachines in Skinner's bloodstream.



writer: Vince Gilligan

director: Michael Watkins

Production Code: 6X07

Original Airdate 01/24/99

Guest Stars: Geoffrey Lewis as Alfred Fellig, Richard Ruccolo as Agent Peyton Ritter, James Pickens, Jr. as Assistant Director Kersh

In New York City, a man follows an office worker who is delivering mail to various offices. On an elevator, he sees her and the other passengers in black and white. Leaving the elevator, he runs down stairs to the basement and the elevator malfunctions, free falling down the shaft. The man photographs the bodies.

Agent Scully is assigned to work with agent Payton Ritter, from the New York City office. He has discovered crime scene photographs in which a clock shows a time before the crime was reported to police. There are other similar instances and Ritter believed the photographer, Alfred Felig, may be committing the crimes. Mulder believes it to be an x-file, but Scully denies it, and goes off to New York. In New York, Scully determines that Felig has been a freelance crime scene photographer for many years. His departmental paperwork goes back to 1964, and photographs from the years in between show that Felig does not appear to have aged. That night, Felig witnesses a crime in which a mugger tries to steal an expensive pair of shoes from a jogger. The jogger is killed and when Felig approaches to take his picture, the mugger returns, stabbing Felig several times. Felig pulls out the knife, gets up and walks away.

Police find Felig's fingerprints on the knife left at the murder scene and call him in for questioning. Under questioning from Scully, Felig admits he was present and was wounded. He opens his shirt to show the wounds and they are hardly more than scratches. Mulder is intercepting reports Ritter is sending Assistant Director Kersh and offers to do a background check on Felig for Scully. Meanwhile, Ritter stakes out Felig's apartment. When Scully takes over for her shift, she realizes that Felig knows he is being watched. She goes to his door and confronts him. Felig agrees to explain things to Scully if she will go for a ride in his car. After driving for an hour, Felig sees a prostitute on the street and tells Scully the woman is about to die, but he doesn't know how. A man approaches the prostitute and begins giving her trouble. Scully runs to arrest him, the prostitute says "I'm out of here," and steps into the street in front of a truck, which kills her. Felig drives off, leaving Scully at the accident scene.

Ritter doesn't believe Felig's story and accuses Scully of messing up his case. Mulder reports to Scully that he has found several fingerprints matching Felig's dating back 149 years. Scully returns to Felig's home and accuses him of profiting from other people's deaths. Felig makes clear that he is unable to die and is trying to catch Death in the act of taking people. He shows Scully one photograph in which he thinks he caught a glimpse of Death in physical form. He feels he is left out of something all other people expierence because he cannot die. He tells of the Yellow Fever epidemic. He was in a hospital ward and saw Death moving among the beds, but he looked away and Death took a nurse instead. Scully sees one of Felig's photographs from 1929 with the name Lewis Brady and calls Mulder to check out the name. In the archives, Mulder finds a photograph to show that Lewis was also Felig, and that he was convicted to killing two people but escaped from prison. Felig has taken and turned off Scully's cell phone, and now he sees Scully in black and white, indicating the she will soon die.

Mulder cannot reach Scully, so he calls Ritter, who is on his way to Felig's apartment. From Felig's comments, Scully realizes that he thinks she is about to die. Scully handcuffs Felig to a table but Ritter bursts into the room, shooting Felig. The bullet passes through Felig and hits Scully. As they both bleed, Felig tells her to close her eyes and not look at Death. He does look at Death, however, and dies.

One week later, Scully is at New York University Medical Center, recovering from her wound. Ritter is in trouble for shooting Scully. The coroner's report said only that Felig died of a single gunshot wound. Mulder tells Scully that he doesn't think Felig would have ever died naturally.




written by Frank Spotnitz and Chris Carter

directed by: unknown

Production Code: 6X11

Original Airdate 02/07/99

Guests Stars: Mitch Pileggi as Assistant Director Walter Skinner, Nicholas Lea as Alex Krycek, William B. Davis as Cancer Man, Chris Owens as Agent Spender, Veronica Cartwright as Cassandra Spender, Don S. Williams as 1st Elder, George Murdock as 2nd Elder, John Moore as 3rd Elder, Brian Thompson as The Alien Bounty Hunter (not really identifiable as such), Mimi Rodgers as Agent Diana Fowley, Damon P. Saleem as Pick-Up Player (basketball), Valerie Pettiford as FBI Agent


In a railroad yard in Arlington, Virginia, doctors in biocontainment suits make an incision in a patient's stomach. Green acid boils out and the cut heals itself. Another doctor arrives and is told that after twenty-five years the work is complete, but a faceless alien arrives and sets fire to the medical team. We see that the patient is Cassandra Spender, who has been missing for a year.

The Cigarette Smoking Man discusses the conspiracy for his unseen guest. It is hard to believe that the end is here. It was a perfect conspiracy, preparing the way for the invasion of an alien race and creating a slave race of human-alien hybrids. They kept it secret for fifty years but a rebel alien race came to upset their plans.

Skinner tells agent Spender that his mother is in the hospital, having survived the attack in the rail car. At the hospital, she does not explain what happened but asks to talk to agent Mulder. Not happy about it, Spender eventually asks Mulder for help, but Mulder believes that it is a set-up, designed to entrap Mulder and get him out of the FBI completely. Meanwhile, the Cigarette Smoking Man visits the one doctor who survived the rail car attack. He is in a hyperbaric chamber because of his burns. The doctor says the rebels came to take Cassandra so they can expose the conspiracy. The doctor points out that he must not be questioned, and with regrets, the Cigarette Smoking Man turns off his oxygen supply.

In Silver Spring, Maryland, an elder is informed by the Cigarette Smoking Man that an emergency meeting of the Syndicate has been called, but a faceless man arrives and burns the elder.

Mulder and Scully realize that they have seen these burned bodies before and that Scully has been kidnapped and subjected to tests in a rail car in the past. They meet with Cassandra in secret at the hospital. Long confined to a wheelchair, she can now work fine and feels wonderful. She says the woman Mulder saw last year was not his sister. Samantha is with the aliens. The doctors were also working with the aliens who are here to wipe the human race off the planet. They are taking over the universe, infecting all other life forms with a black substance called "purity," which is their life force. Agent Spender is also in danger, because h
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129 “ONE SON”

Writers: Chris Carter & Frank Spotnitz

Director: Rob Bowman

Original Broadcast: US: 14.02.1999

Guest Cast: Nurse · Jo Black-Jacob, Frohike · Tom Braidwood, Surgical Team Member · Mark Bramhall, Cassandra Spender · Veronica Cartwright, Smoking Man · William B Davis, William Mulder · Peter Donat, Fifth Elder · Frank Ertl, Langly · Dean Haglund, Byers · Bruce Harwood, Marita Covarrubias · Laurie Holden, Alex Krycek · Nicholas Lea, Third Elder · John Moore, Special Agent Jeffrey Spender · Chris Owens, Assistant Director Kersh · James Pickens Jr, Assistant Director Walter Skinner · Mitch Pileggi, Agent Diana Fowley · Mimi Rogers, Fourth Elder · Al Ruscio, First Elder · Don S Williams, CDC Leader · Scott Williamson

Cassandra Spender, (Patient X), mysteriously reappears as a patient aboard a strange train, no longer confined to a wheelchair. The mutilated faced men burn all her doctors, and she asks to see Mulder, as the only person who will believe her. But Agent Jeffrey Spender lays a trap for Mulder and Scully, and gets them suspended.

Meanwhile, Cigarette Smoking Man is telling the background to the conspiracy to Agent Fowler. It seems that the Committee were collaborating with the aliens, trying to prepare an alien-human hybrid prior to invasion, whilst secretly working on a vaccine to the black oil. But Cassandra is the first successful hybrid, exposed by the opposing mutilated-faced aliens, signalling the start of the invasion -- but they don't yet have the vaccine ready. So they are going to go over to the aliens anyway, to save their families.

Eventually, Agent Spender realises The Truth, and petitions to have Mulder and Scully reinstated to the X-Files. He is then shot by a disappointed Cigarette Smoking Man -- his father.

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Writer: Daniel Arkin

Director: Michael Watkins

Original Broadcast: US: 07.03.1999

Guest Cast: Gordy · Tim Bagley, Mike Raskub · Abraham Benrubi

Pat Verlander · Debra Christofferson, Nancy Kline · Juliana Donald, Win Shroeder · Tom Gallop, Cami Shroeder · Marnie McPhail

Mover · Mark Matthias, Ubermenscher · Roger Morrissey, Dave Klein · Tom Virtue, Gene Gogolak · Peter White

Mulder and Scully, officially back on the X-Files, wonder why they have been sent to investigate several disappearances from an "ideal" community, where the only problem seems to be a rather strict set of neighbourhood rules. They go undercover to investigate, posing as husband and wife. Then they discover it is an X-File after all -- a strange beast is killing anybody who doesn't follow the rules.




Writer: David Amann

Director: Rob Bowman

Original Broadcast: US: 21.02.1999

Guest Cast: Road Block Deputy · Allen Cutler, Evan Shipley · Max Kasch, Arthur Dales · Darren McGavin, Deputy Greer · Joel McKinnon Miller, Dougie · Silas Weir Mitchell, Sara Shipley · Nichole Pelerine, Angela Villareal · Diana-Maria Riva, George Vincent · Jeremy Roberts, Walter Suarez · Valente Rodriguez

A family try unsuccessfully to fend off a tentacled sea monster during a hurricane in Florida. Mulder and Scully rush around a lot, chasing the monster, finding lots of slime, until they get caught in a building with it and various refugees during the height of the storm. Fortunately, they discover that it, being a creature of the sea, can be repulsed by fresh water.



132 “MONDAY”

Writer: Vince Gilligan & John Shiban

Director: Kim Manners

Original Broadcast: US: 28.02.1999

Guest Cast: Agent Arnold · Wayne Alexander, Bernard Oates · Darren Burrows, Head Teller · Monique Edwards, Pam · Carrie Hamilton, Tour Guide · David Michael Mullins, Skinner's Assistant · Arlene Pileggi, Assistant Director Walter Skinner · Mitch Pileggi, Lieutenant Kraskow · Mik Scriba, Woman Customer · Suanne Spoke

Mulder wakes up to a leak in his waterbed, and the day goes downhill from there, until eventually he's shot and blown up by a bank robber. Then he wakes to a leak in his water bed... He and Scully are caught in a time loop, until they can figure out how to break it -- difficult because the only person who is aware of the loop is the robber's girlfriend. Fortunately, after a while, Mulder starts getting deja vu.



133 “ALPHA”

Writer: Jeffrey Bell

Director: Peter Markle

Original Broadcast: US: 28.03.1999

Guest Cast: Woo · Yau-Gene Chan, Jake Conroy · James Michael Connor, Karin Berquist · Melinda Culea, Officer Jeffrey Cahn · Thomas Duffy, Yee · Dana Lee, Angie · Mandy Levin, Dr James Riley · Michael Mantell, Stacey Muir · Lisa Picotte, Dr Ian Detweiler · Andrew Robinson, Officer Frank Fiedler · David Starwalt, Peggy · Treva Tegtmeier, Fong · Tuan Tran, Nurse · Adrienne Wilde

A rare wild dog, thought long extinct, is imported from the Far East. But it kills two crewmen and escapes. Then it goes on a killing spree. A local canid expert, who has met Mulder on-line, calls him in, for reasons of her own. But the dog, and its importer, may not be all they appear.



134 “TREVOR”

Writers: Jim Guttridge & Ken Hawryliw

Director: Rob Bowman

Original Broadcast: US: 11.04.1999

Guest Cast: Robert Werther · David Bowe, Bo Merkle · Keith Brunsmann, Guard · Lee Corbin, State Trooper · Christopher Dahlberg, June Gurwitch · Catherine Dent, Wilson Pinker Rawls · John Diehl, Bobby · Jerry Giles, Whaley · Lamont Johnson, Jackie Gurwitch · Tuesday Knight, Newscaster · Terri Merryman, Captain Raybert Fellowes · Frank Novak, Sergeant · Robert Peters, Anchorman · Cary Pfeffer, Trevor Andrew Rawls · Jeffrey Schoeny

During a tornado Pinker, a violent prisoner, is locked in "the box" as punishment. The box is blown away and Pinker assumed dead. But then the warden is found burnt in half. To Mulder's astonishment Scully suggests spontaneous human combustion. But actually Pinker has been altered by the tornado so that he can pass through solid objects, making them crumbly afterwards, just like the warder's midriff. And solid objects -- like bullets -- can pass through him, making him rrather difficult to stop. He is after his son, Trevor. Mulder discovers Pinker can't pass through insulators like rubber or glass -- which Scully uses to good effect by sheltering in a glass phone box at one point of the pursuit. Eventually Trevor's mother runs Pinker down in a car -- he passes safely through the engine, but splatters all over the windscreen.




Original Story: John Shiban & Frank Spotnitz

Writer: Chris Carter

Director: Kim Manners

Original Broadcast: US: 18.04.1999

Guest Cast: Maggie · Jillian Bach, Phillip Padgett · John Hawkes, Maggie's Father · Bennett D Nelson, Cemetery Grounds Keeper · Casey C O'Neill, Ken Naciamento · Nestor Serrano, Guard · Michael Bailey Smith, Kevin · Angelo Vacco

A series of bizarre murders are occurring, where the victim's heart is removed without any other visible injuries. Mulder's neighbour, a writer, is the prime suspect, because he is writing a novel with just that plotline, about a psychic surgeon -- and the story also includes Scully. He has moved next to Mulder just to be closer to Scully. He is arrested, but while in custody, another murder occurs. It seems his literary creation is coming to life, and that Scully's fascination with him is also a result of his writing. But the writer is losing control of his creation. In the end, just as Scully is having her heart ripped out, the writer manages to get the psychic surgeon to kill him, instead.




Writers: Vince Gilligan & John Shiban

Director: Bryan Spicer

Original Broadcast: US: 02.05.1999

Guest Cast: Little Fritz · Phil Abrams, Timothy Landau · John Billingsley, Redhead Geek · Jeff Bowser, Frohike · Tom Braidwood, Bus Driver · Kalena Coleman, Susanne Modeski · Signy Coleman, Bald Geek · Jason Felipe, James Bellmont · Jim Fyfe, News Anchor · Rick Garcia, Langly · Dean Haglund, Byers · Bruce Harwood, Morris Fletcher · Michael McKean, Big Fritz · Brian Reddy, Grant Ellis · Charles Rocket, Security Guard · George Sharperson, Al · Richard Zobel

For ten years, Byers has been persuading the Lone Gunmen to go to Defense Conferences, in the hope of finding Suzanne Modesky, last seen being bundled into a black limo. Suddenly, she appears, in the company of a government agent -- her fiance. Byers is convinced she has been brainwashed, but she insists she is now free. The Gunmen trick Scully into joining them. Then another conspiracy nut has been murdered, and during the autopsy Scully is attacked. When she regains consciousness, she seems to have become a bimbo. The Gunmen discover that Modesky is being bugged -- she says that she and her fiance are planning to go public with details of a mind-bending drug, but now they have been discovered. She realises Scully is under its influence -- and that she herself must have been betrayed by her fiancee. Langley is also subject to the drug, and ordered by a CIA agent to kill Modesky. But they uncover the plot, use the drug on the CIA agent, and give Modesky a new identity.




Writer: David Duchovny

Director: David Duchovny

Original Broadcast: US: 25.04.1999

Guest Cast: Black Coach · Lou Beatty Jr, Black Boy · Gabriel Clifton, Piney · Daniel Duchovny, Beautiful Woman · Julie Griffith

Poorboy · Jesse James, Umpire · Al Kaplon, Catcher · Chris Kohn, Officer Arthur Dales · Fredric Lane, Officer Coranado · Lennie Loftin, Moose · Kerric MacDonald, Josh Exley · Jesse L Martin, White Coach · Ken Medlock, Alien · Walter T Phelan Jr, Macon Officer · Robb Reesman, Buck Johnson · Burnell Roques, Bounty Hunter · Brian Thompson, Arthur Dales · M Emmett Walsh, Ted · Paul Willson

Mulder investigates the story of a black baseball player who disappeared over fifty years ago. He discovers the player was actually a baseball-loving shape-changing alien, who chose to masquerade as a black man in order to draw less attention to himself. Eventually his family found him, and killed him. But right at the end, as he died, he became human on the inside (red blood, not green acid blood) as well as on the outside.




Original Story: Frank Spotnitz

Writers: Vince Gilligan & John Shiban

Director: Kim Manners

Original Broadcast: US: 09.05.1999

Guest Cast: Coroner · Jim Beaver, Frohike · Tom Braidwood, Wallace Schiff · David Denman, Langly · Dean Haglund, Byers · Bruce Harwood, Angela Schiff · Robyn Lively, Assistant Director Walter Skinner · Mitch Pileggi

A couple go missing while hiking, and their skeletons are discovered a few days later. Scully suggests some ritual skeletonisation, while Mulder prefers an X-File theory. As they investigate further, Mulder finds the couple, who claim they were abducted and experimented on. But parts of their story make no sense to him. Meanwhile, Scully discovers that Mulder has been killed by some strange digestive process, but everyone else, including the Lone Gunmen, try to convince her there is a prosaic explanation. She protests. In fact, both agents are in thrall to some hallucinogenic fungus that is slowly eating them. But, after thinking they have escaped then realising they haven't, they are rescued in the nick of time.



Writers: Chris Carter & Frank Spotnitz

Director: Rob Bowman

Original Broadcast: US: 16.05.1999

Guest Cast: First African Man · Ayo Adeyemi, Dr Solomon Merkmallen · Michael Chinyamurindi, Smoking Man · William B Davis, Dr Charles Burks · Bill Dow, Dr Barnes · Michael Ensign, Detective · Chet Grissom, Alex Krycek · Nicholas Lea, Yelling Man · Samuel Kwaku Minta, Second African Man · Benjamin Ochieng, Assistant Director Walter Skinner · Mitch Pileggi, Agent Diana Fowley · Mimi Rogers, Dr Steven Sandoz · Murray Rubinstein, Dr Geoff Harriman · Warren Sweeney, Native American Nurse · Sheila Tousey, Albert Hosteen · Floyd 'Red Crow' Westerman, Mr Coeben · Marty Zagon

A strange metal artifact corvreed in writing is found in Africa, but the script is in Navaho and the text is from Genesis. Mulder believes it provides evidence of extra-terrestrial life, but it struck down by a strange malady on seeing just a rubbing of the artifact. Skinner is acting under orders from Krycheck. And Agent Fowler is up to no good. Scully goes to Africa in a desperate search for information to help Mulder, and discovers a buried spacecraft covered in the writing.


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Ritterson's Episode Guides 1998-2005 by Captain Bill.

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