102 Dalmations

102 Dalmations Who let this dog out? Cruella De Vil is released from prison after undergoing psychological conditioning in prison that causes her to revile fur coats, unless they're still on their original owner, and love dogs. When the conditioning fails though Cruella goes back to her old tricks and only Dipstick, the son of Pongo and Perdita, and his family and friends can stop her this time.

101 Dalmatians had a certain amount of charm, not as much as the original animated film, but it wasn't bad. 102 Dalmatians, on the other hand, is a big stinking pile of digested dog food. Glen Close is fun to watch as she deliberately hams up the role of Cruella, but other then that there's not one single redeemable thing about this film. Yes, there are a few small laughs, but even the occasional chuckles that popped up infrequently; and I mean very infrequently, are not worth sitting through this piece of dreck. The very young children I took to see 102 Dalmatians seem to enjoy it a little more then the adults, but even they were not overly impressed. This was the second really bad children's film this year, the other being Rugrats In Paris, set in France and I figure about one more like these two and the French would be justified in declaring war.

This is definitely a don't see-quel.

Grade: E

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