A Knight’s Tale

 A Knight’s Tale What a good Knight! William Thatcher, played by Heath Ledger, is Squire to a good and decent, though elderly, knight who passes away in the middle of a jousting tournament. Needing money for food William, with the help of his friends, dresses in the knight’s armor, including its face-hiding helmet, and wins the tournament. Enthused by his success William then persuades his friends that they could continue this ruse by convincing people that William is of noble birth allowing him to win even more tournaments. Their plan is aided when they’re joined by a down on his luck poet named Geoffrey Chaucer who uses his skill with pen, paper and word to forge a history for young William as Sir Owen of Liechtenstein. William goes on to win tournament after tournament, but eventually the truth will out and when it does what can the future hold for a man who is a knight by virtue of his spirit, but not of his birth?

An absolutely terrific movie this is Rocky on horseback, but in the best possible sense. Every character is written and performed with a perfection I haven’t seen in a film since the Oscar winning Shakespeare In Love. There are simply no flaws, story or character wise, anywhere within this film. Each of the actors involved, even those in lesser roles, give an absolutely perfect dead-on performance and there is no doubt in my mind they all have bright futures ahead of them in the film industry. As for the rock soundtrack, which has stirred up so much controversy, I actually found the choice of background music very fitting. It may not have been appropriate for the era in which the film is set, but it was very appropriate for conveying the spirit of the film itself. Best of all the chemistry between the actors and the camaraderie between the characters is what makes this film the joy it is to watch. Even when you know what’s going to happen, and sometimes you do know since in a film such as this one the good guys have to win, it’s still an uplifting experience. So much so that in at least one point during the film the audience I viewed it with all broke out into applause.

So go see A Knight’s Tale and you’ll have a good knight even if you see it during the day!

Grade: A+

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