American Beauty

American Beauty. A rose by any other name could still be hard to quantify. American Beauty is a brilliant movie, well deserving of its Oscars, but how to describe it? It is a movie about a man who hits a mid-life crisis, deals with it the right way for the wrong reason, gets his life together and is then killed. A movie about how life, be it good or bad, is still a more wonderful thing then most of us ever realize. It�s also a very suspenseful film since we�re told at the beginning of the film that the film�s main character will be murdered by the movie�s end. The question of who will do the killing and why will keep you guessing right to the end. The characters in the movie are all quirky, even weird, but in a way that is very, very real and human. Kevin Spacey is especially good, as always, but the rest of the cast hits just the right note with their roles as well.

Just as life sometimes is, American Beauty is not an easy movie to explain, but again like life, it�s well worth experiencing.

Average Grade: A+

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