Angel Eyes

Angel EyesAs far as Angel Eyes goes the eyes, angel or otherwise, don’t have it.

Dull and dreary Angel Eyes tries to suck fans of The Sixth Sense in with its mysterious atmosphere only to disappoint them when it becomes obvious Angel Eyes is nothing more then a tear-jerk romance…emphasis being on the jerk part. The story is too mysterious to be a good chick flick and too maudlin to be a good mystery. Lopez and James Caviezel have no chemistry and between his weird behavior and her abrasive personality it’s never clear why they continue to pursue one another. The concept of Catch, and what he is going through, could have made an interesting film on its own, but too little is made of him other then how he relates to Lopez’s character. The supporting characters are all one dimensional and drift through the film in a completely un-notable fashion.

Angel Eyes may have eyes, but it lacks soul and spirit. Pass.

Grade: D

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