Doug's First Movie

Doug's First Movie Doug's First Movie will probably be his last; not that it was a bad movie, it wasn't, but it wasn't really good either instead it was just kind of...there. It looked as though the creators of this movie were aiming for cute; rather then funny or exciting, but managed to miss the mark just enough so that all they wound up with was inoffensively boring. The animation wasn't that great and there was no memorable music in the film. Basically, this is a "it's raining, the kid's are cooped up in the house and driving me crazy and this is the only kid's movie playing" sort of deal.

Ashley didn't seem very impressed either. She sat still and paid attention to Doug's foray onto the big screen and told me when it was over that it was good. But, unlike some of the movies she has enjoyed, such as Rugrats: The Movie, A Bug's Life or Antz, she hasn't asked to see Doug again.

Average Grade: C

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