
Entrapment This is Sean Connery playing a James Bond who is shaken, but not stirred. With his enormous talent and charisma Connery can hold any movie to a higher level then fluff, but despite even his ability Entrapment looked a little wispy around the edges. Connery plays, Robert MacDougal, a legendary high-tech, master thief who has never been incarcerated. Gin Baker, played by Catherine Zeta-Jones, is either an up and coming professional thief or an undercover insurance investigator attempting to make the bust of a lifetime (and trust me, bust of a lifetime is a phrase that applies very nicely to Ms. Zeta-Jones) by entrapping and arresting MacDougal. The tagline for the movie is "The trap is set.", but the question is who�s setting the trap and for whom?

That Connery�s character is not stirred shows in the lack of any emotional connection between himself and Zeta-Jones� character. Oddly, even though the movie seems to want them to fall in love, there are absolutely no romantic sparks nor sexual tension between these two worth mentioning. Of course, there is an age difference between the two, but it�s hard for me to believe that was the problem. There�s no question a lot of beautiful, young women find Connery attractive. After all, I hope *I* look that good at Connery�s age; heck, I wish I looked that good now. And certainly no one is going to kick Catherine Zeta-Jones out of bed for eating crackers. Even so, the two never mesh as they constantly fluctuate between love/hate, mentor/protege and the romantic. I suppose the thing to do is to chalk up the blandness of their relationship to a lack of chemistry and move on, but this is what drops Entrapment a few degrees below the movie it could have been. Beyond that, with it�s beautiful locations and high tech action, the rest of this movie is good; not great, but good. It would make an excellent first date movie or video, but just don�t expect to be stirred.

Average Grade: C+

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