Erin Brokovich

Erin Brokovich Never underestimate the power of a woman. Especially when that woman is Julia Roberts playing, Erin Brokovich, one of the feistiest heroines to come along since Norma Rae. Erin Brockovich is a jobless single mother down on her luck and with no prospects. Through a combination of desperation and determination Erin pushes her way into a job at a small law firm, run by Ed Masry as played by the brilliant actor Albert Finney, where she finds herself working on a file involving a small pro bono case involving a real estate deal. Something about the case strikes her as strange and she follows up on it uncovering a massive toxic waste cover up. Erin continues to pull strings until the entire conspiracy is unraveled leading her to become the key player in what was eventually one of the biggest class action lawsuits in American history. And, in the process, making a new life for herself.

I didn�t want to see this film, but my wife made me. ;-) Not because it�s a chick flick, but because I�d heard it was a pale derivative of similar films such as A Civil Suit and The Verdict. Ok, I was wrong. My wife was right and I�m really glad we saw Erin Brockovich. This is one of Julia Roberts�s best efforts. The performances by the other actors is equally inspired, especially those of Albert Finney, God what a good actor, and Aaron Eckhart who plays Roberts� love interest George. The story is well told with just enough sentiment to be enjoyable, but not enough to be syrupy or cloying. The best thing about Erin Brockovich, the thing that absolutely makes the film, is the chemistry between literally all the movie�s characters.

Erin Brockovich�s only flaw is the language. If Julia Roberts character uses the �F� word once she uses fifty times. So if strong language offends you avoid this film. But if you can get past the language it would be a toxic waste to miss this picture.

Average Grade: A+

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