Galaxy Quest

Galaxy Quest If you’re on a quest for a science fiction movie that has humor, adventure, great special effects and good acting then your search is over and no it’s not Star Wars :The Phantom Menace. GALAXY QUEST is one of the best science fiction films out this year. Billed as a comedy, and it does have a great deal of humor to it, it also serves as a wonderful slam bamm adventure movie.
The story involves a science fiction television show very similar to Star Trek called GALAXY QUEST that, though cancelled years before, has lived on, indeed even flourished, in re-runs until it has become a cult hit. Benevolent aliens from another galaxy have picked up the television signals of this show and believe them to be true “historical documents” from our planet. Since these benevolent aliens are in danger of being exterminated by a not so benevolent race of beings they build a duplicate of the GALAXY QUEST starship with which they hope to defend themselves. When they realize they don’t have the expertise to use this ship properly they bring the actors, who they believe to be the real crew of the original Endeavor to operate the ship in their defense. These actors, who’s careers have been reduced to appearances at GALAXY QUEST fan conventions and grocery store openings, are pulled into playing their television characters in true life or death scenarios that are hilarious, exciting and occasionally touching.
GALAXY QUEST isn’t perfect by any means, for example, it’s a little predictable in places. If you really think about it you know which character is going to die before the movie is over from the development of character relations in the film. You also know, even before the movie’s Big Crisis occurs, what device will be used to save the day. And you certainly know that the actors are going to overcome their fears, doubts and weaknesses to become true heroes. But the movie does contain its share of surprises, the humor is first rate and the special effects are superb. As for the acting; every actor involved in this film filled his role to absolute perfection, especially Tim Allen, whose role no one else could have played quite so well. This is a really, really fun movie.
If I may though, one aspect of this film makes me want to climb up on my soapbox for a moment. As a Star Trek fan I found myself bristling a bit at the movie’s beginning when the actors and fans of GALAXY QUEST (which was an obvious Star Trek take off) where all portrayed as losers, geeks and freaks. I know the people who made GALAXY QUEST meant no offense; they were both portraying the world as it is and setting the stage for their story, but Star Trek fans are often thought of in this way which I personally find very offensive. Mozart wrote many of his operas for the masses just to pay his rent (not to mention his bar bill) and the intellectual elite snubbed these operas, now considered masterpieces, at the time. Mark Twain didn’t write his stories to be read in classic English literature classes. He wrote them for the fun of it and to make a buck. Shakespeare’s plays were often fantasies, again written for the masses and contained a great deal of what was considered at the time to be low brow humor. These works endured, despite their humble origins, because they were good. Star Trek, despite what its detractors would say, has endured for much the same reason. I am **not** arguing Star Trek is on the same level as Shakespeare, but being science fiction or being on television does not make something bad, silly or stupid. Those who snub Star Trek and its fans need to recognize that there is no shame in enjoying good entertainment no matter what its venue. If it’s not your cup of tea, fine, but if it is my cup of tea then let me enjoy it without belittling it or me for doing so. And as for the fans and their behavior at the conventions I have to admit that dressing up in elaborate costumes is not my cup of tea either. But I personally don’t see how their behavior is any sillier then people’s behavior at Madi Gras or the behavior of a fan at a Super Bowl game who parades about half naked painted from head to toe with his team’s colors. All of these groups are just trying to have a little fun. So each to their own. Live and let live. Infinite diversity in infinite combinations. (The latter being a Star Trek quote for those of you who are uninformed.)
Ok, off my soapbox. GALAXY QUEST is an excellent movie and By Grabthor’s hammer it would be…illogical not to give it a try.

Average Grade: A+

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