Get Carter

Get Carter.Jack Carter is a self-styled "financial payment adjuster" or to be more blunt, a professional leg breaker who beats up those who owe his employers money and don't pay it. Five years ago Jack and his brother quarreled over�something and Jack left home, but now his brother is dead and when Jack comes home for the funeral he discovers his brother was murdered, but by whom and why? Jack is going to find out and while no one may have baked a cake for Jack's homecoming there will certainly be fireworks.

All of the actors in Get Carter do terrific jobs, but I was especially, and pleasantly, surprised by Mr. Stallone's performance. I've never been a big fan of Sylvester Stallone; I enjoyed all of the Rambo movies and the first three Rocky films, but have always believed Mr. Stallone was a fairly limited actor. Then Copland came along and Mr. Stallone gave a performance that left me wondering if I had misjudged his ability. I'm not wondering any more. He may not always be able to draw upon his talent as consistently as moviegoers would like, but in Get Carter he shows that he not only is a talented actor, but highly talented at that. As played by Mr. Stallone Jack Carter is a low keyed, unassuming man on the surface who can erupt into a terrible and sudden violence yet surprisingly, even to himself, has not lost his capacity to love or to feel pain when those he loves are hurt. In one scene, while trying to help his niece deal with a painful secret he has discovered about her, he hems and haws, edging around the truth trying to comfort her without shaming her until she drags the truth out before both of them. Then, as she begins to cry his own eyes fill with pain and tears for her in one of the best bits of acting I've seen in any film this year.

The script itself is good; not perfect, but is way above average. For example, one flaw is that a few areas of the film were left a bit too vague such as the fate of one character that richly deserved to die, but who's destiny can only be guessed at. This character defies Carter to kill him thinking that the fact that they are surrounded by potential witnesses will deter him. Carter desperately wants to do so, but as Carter shoves his gun into the man's face, his entire body taut with anger, the scene changes and we never find out for sure what happened. I'm guessing Carter killed the S.O.B., witnesses or no, but the question is left open in a way I felt weakened the film. Also, the mystery of where this film's McGuffin is hidden is blatantly obvious almost from the film's beginning. The writing balances itself out though since the relationship between the film's characters are extremely well written including one hidden truth that the audience soon realizes, but though strongly hinted at is never openly discussed in the film itself. The camera work is also well done though many people may be put off by some of the special effects used to establish Carter's state of mind. All in all this is one of the best film noir works produced in modern times.

So, Get tickets to see Carter. It' well worth seeing.

Grade: A

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