The Mummy Returns

The Mummy Returns"What a rush!!! This was more fun then a roller coaster ride at midnight on Halloween." I said that about The Mummy when it first came out and it’s just as true about The Mummy Returns. Rick McConnell and his all friends are back, but with an addition, Rick and Evie's 8 year old son, Alex who, according to Rick, is smarter then his Mom and tougher then his Dad. Alex helps the others go up against the Mummy, who’s also back, along with an old girlfriend and a really nasty cult that worships their Mommy, uh, I mean their Mummy. Only this time the Mummy and Rick and Co. are also up against killer pygmies, the monster known as The Scorpion King and an army of inhuman warriors. With so many bad guys milling around who’s poor Rick going to shoot first?

The Mummy Returns is great! The atmoshpere is wonderful, the action non-stop and the special effects are amazing! Alex is a wonderful addition to the group and Freddie Boath plays him perfectly as a tough, smart and resourceful kid who’s also mischievous and realistic. All the actors from The Mummy get another moment in the sun in The Mummy Returns and, when they do, they all shine brightly. Personally, as I said in my review of The Mummy, I think it might have been a bit more interesting if Rick and the others had been given a new foe to contend with, one also based on the old Grade B horror films, such as the Creature From the Black Lagoon or even Frankenstein or Dracula, but even so the return of the Mummy isn't disappointing and the method by which he’s brought back is plausible enough.

There were a few nits to pick this time, for example, Rick discovers that he is one of Fate’s chosen Protectors of the Universe, or something to that effect, destined to meet and defeat evil powers such as The Mummy. I liked it better when Rick was just a tough, smart-mouthed mercenary, but neither this nor the films other minor flaws are enough to keep the audience from getting, uh, wrapped up in the story. Go visit you Mommy, uh, I mean Mummy today!Grade: A+

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