Muppets In Space

Muppets In Space Despite a few warts the newest outing by Kermit & Co. is a funny, warm and very entertaining movie. Gonzo, the species challenged member of the Muppet crew, discovers he is an alien whose people are coming for him after years of searching for their lost brethern. In the process Gonzo answers several important questions in his life such as where did I come from, where do I belong and why did my fellow aliens want me to build a Jacuzzi? As usual, several well known human actors such as F. Murry Abrham, Hulk Hogan, David Arquette, etc. add to the fun with their tongue in cheek walk on appearances. I especially enjoyed seeing Ray Liotta as a security guard who, with a little help from some mind control gas, falls victim to Ms. Piggy's charms. Like the other Muppet movies Muppets In Space works very well on every age level. Young kids will enjoy seeing familiar characters such as Ms. Piggy and Kermit go through their antics and pratfalls while older kids and adults can enjoy the one liners, spoofs and in jokes that fill the movie.

The biggest disappointment I had with Muppets In Space is that the soundtrack, while not bad, is for some reason mostly 70�s rock and has none of the original music that made the first muppet film The Muppet Movie so special. Even Gonzo's theme song from the first movie, I�m Going To Go Back There Someday (a truly beautiful song and one I sing to my daughter as a lullaby) isn't used even though it would have been perfect for this film. My only other complaint is that while several sf movies are spoofed in Muppets In Space Pigs In Space and the Star Trek parodies used in the Muppet television show, which would have fit perfectly into this theme, are never even referred to. Even so, anyone who doesn�t find something to enjoy in Muppets In Space has to be missing either their heart and/or funny bone and are more alien then Gonzo every dreamed of being.

Average Grade: B+

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