The Negotiator

The Negotiator. There is no use debating it; The Negotiator is an absolutely riveting movie. Samuel L. Jackson plays one of the best hostage negotiators in the business, a man at the top of his career, until he is framed for the murder of his partner. Knowing he is being set up to cover up a massive ring of police corruption Jackson takes several hostages in a desperate attempt to force the police to uncover the conspiracy. Instead the police bring in Kevin Spacey�s character who is another hostage negotiator of equal talent to that of Jackson. As the two men maneuver with one another the corrupt members of the department set up their own deadly schemes around them. And time is definitely running out.

The Negotiator combines two of the best actors in the business, Samuel L. Jackson and Kevin Spacey, gives them a good plot and good supporting actors resulting in an exciting and entertaining movie. Jackson gives a wonderful performance as a cop pushed to the edge until neither the audience; nor he himself for that matter, are completely sure just how far he will go to clear his name. Spacey gives an equally inspired job as a professional in a high stakes game who slowly becomes unsure as to just whom he can trust. And, for that matter, can he even be trusted himself?

So let�s negotiate a deal. You go see The Negotiator and I promise not to keep telling you what a great film you're missing? Deal?

Average Grade: A+

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