Remember The Titans

Remember The Titans.Remember The Titans is a giant of a movie. Based on the true story of The Singing Titans, the first integrated football team in Alexandria, VA's history. It is a film about young people who learned to look past race in order to respect, and eventually even like, each other and, in the process, taught their community to do the same.

Remember The Titans has no flaws. None. From the very beginning this is a film filled with intelligence, drama, humor and love not to mention, of course, football. But even if, like myself, you're not a football fan this movie still stands head and shoulders above almost anything else out this year. Denzel Washington does his usual flawless performance playing Coach Herman Boone, who is reluctantly pushed into the forefront of race relations when he is promoted from Assistant Coach to Head Coach of the newly integrated Titans as a concession to the local black community. Denzel Washington finds just the right mix to portray Coach Boone as a compassionate, decent man with just enough arrogance and impatience to make him a realistic human being. Bill Patton plays Coach Will Yost, an equally decent man who was bumped from Head Coach of the Titans just when he was about to be entered into the Basketball Coach's Hall of Fame. Initially he stays on as Assistant Coach in order to watch over the interests of the players he had coached until now, but as they worked together both coaches develop first respect for one another and then a deep and abiding friendship. The young players who make up the team are equally superb and I'm sure many of them will be heard from again as their talent carries them to larger, more demanding roles.

Remember The Titans is, admittedly, a bit predictable in the end, after all, an uplifting film such as this is not going to finish with the good guys losing, now is it? But even knowing what was coming the audience I viewed the film with was literally cheering at the climax. This is the feel good film of the year and I strongly recommend it.

Grade: A+

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