
ShrekShrek is dreck! Shrek was a satisfied ogre living alone in his swamp; not bothering anyone and no one bothering him. That is until Lord Farquad began rounding up all the magical and fairy-tale creatures he could find and relocating them to Shrek�s swamp. Shrek, unwillingly accompanied by his friend the talking Donkey, doesn�t want to be a hero, but in order to get his peace and quiet back he finds himself going to Lord Farquaad to demand that Farquaad let his people go�or something like that. Farquaad, on the other hand, is looking for someone powerful enough to rescue a beautiful Princess from her imprisonment in a castle guarded by a fire breathing dragon. He needs the Princess so he can marry her and thus become a King instead of a simple Lord. So they make a deal, if Shrek will bring Farquaad the Princess Farquaad will give Shrek the deed to the swamp and remove all of his unwanted guests. Of course, Shrek never imagined that in the process of rescuing her he might fall in love with, of all things, a human princess! To make things worse, what will happen when Shrek finds out the secret the Princess is hiding which caused her to be imprisoned in the castle to begin with!

Shrek was a film with enormous potential that was almost completely ruined by the tasteless, inappropriate toilet humor that suffused almost every moment. The CGI animation is amazing, some of the best I�ve ever seen, and the voice work is wonderfully performed, especially by Mike Myers as Shrek. However, none of that could save a film that depends on peeing and farting jokes, amongst others every bit as tasteless, for its humor. Had the producers of Shrek taken a higher road the end product could have easily been a modern fairy tale classic. Instead, they came up with the cinematic equivalent of scribbling on a bathroom wall. This film is completely inappropriate for anyone, but especially for children. Big time pass.

Grade: E-

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