The Tigger Movie

The Tigger Movie The Tigger Movie lacks bounce. Tigger once sang that “…the wonderful thing about Tigger’s is that I’m the only one!”, but decides in The Tigger Movie that being the only one and thus not having a family is not a wonderful thing. As he searches for his family a misunderstanding causes a rift between him, Pooh and his other dear friends in the Hundred-Acre Wood.

The Tigger Movie is a fairly good film for pre-school children since it’s roughly on the same level as an episode of Barney or Teletubbies, but it’s not a very good film for anyone else. Older kids will find it far too simplistic to hold their attention. Adults will be able to tolerate it, for their small kids sake, but will get little out of it for themselves. Neither the animation nor the music is more then average and, frankly, I’ve seen episodes of the Saturday morning Winnie the Pooh cartoon that were as good as this film if not better. One other thing that bothered me, silly as it may sound, is that for all these characters’ friendship and individual good natures they certainly seem to have a lot of hurtful misunderstandings.

Still, young children will enjoy seeing Winnie, Tigger and the rest at their antics. So, when you’re kids ask to see it, don’t say Pooh, let them. They’ll grow to enjoy more interesting films all too soon.

Average Grade: B (For kids) C (For Adults)

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