Toy Story 2

Toy Story 2 The buzz is that Toy Story 2 is an excellent movie. In this sequel to the original Toy Story Woody, the toy cowboy, turns out to be a valuable collectable based on an old television show called Woody�s Roundup Gang. When an unscrupulous toy collector steals Woody, Buzz Lightyear organizes a rescue effort amongst the other toys in order to save his buddy. After a harrowing trek across town they meet another Buzz Lightyear, Tour Guide Barbie and the other toys based on Woody�s show such as cowgirl Jesse and Bullet, the Wonder Horse. But will Woody want to be saved or will he choose to be sold to a museum and admired, but not touched, by kids for generations to come?

Another great job by Pixar. The voice work is good, the animation, though computer generated, is excellent, and the story itself is touching, funny and often very exciting. The music, while not quite as good as the soundtrack in Toy Story, is also very good. I especially liked the irony that in the first Toy Story Buzz had to accept the fact that he was a mass-produced toy while in Toy Story 2 Woody learns he is a one of a kind collectable. Another nice touch is the cameo appearance of the Chess Fiend from one of Pixar�s early short works.

This is easily a movie both kids and adults will enjoy so don�t toy with your kids. Take them to see Toy Story 2.

Average Grade: A

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