The Water Boy

The Water Boy The Water Boy is definitely not all wet. Adam Sandler is an actor who, while I respect his talent, has never made any movies that appeal to my personal taste. That is, until now. Sandler plays Bobby Boucher who's Mom didn't just tie her apron strings to her son, she welded them in place. As a result Boucher is thirty-one years old and has no greater surface aspirations then to be connected to some sporting event as a water boy. Beneath the surface though there is a different story. For thirty-one years Boucher has shoved down way too much anger and repressed emotions that are all now bubbling nicely just beneath the surface. Encouraged to let loose some of that anger by the football coach of a team of perennial losers, played by Henry Winkler, Boucher opens a can of "whoop a--" on a bullying football player tackling him with ease. Winkler's character puts Boucher on the team teaching him to transfer his repressed anger to his opponents resulting in Boucher becoming a star quality tackle. Of course, in the process of leading his team to the championship Boucher makes some of his teammates jealous, invokes the anger of the coach of a rival team who also happens to be the nemesis of Winkler's character and Boucher's former boss and, oh yeah, Momma ain't happy about all of this either.

The acting in this film is incredible. Sandler reminded me of a young Jerry Lewis at his best while Jerry Reed radiates sheer bullying evil. Katherine Bates does an equally wonderful job as Boucher's mother, though her character is too slapstick to be completely enjoyable, as does Fairuza Balk as Boucher's hardcase with a heart of gold girlfriend. Henry Winkler does an excellent job as well though I've always had a hard time accepting him playing the sort of mild, easy going character he does here. And while a bit too lowbrow and slapstick on occasion the story itself is as sweet and uplifting as a good Disney movie, but with more of an edge.

The downside is that it's not exactly like a Disney movie though since the language in The Water Boy, especially for a movie rated PG-13, is deliberately and unnecessarily atrocious. While otherwise a good movie for kids to see, it's the sort of silly story they like wrapped around a message about self confidence most kids could benefit from, The Water Boy should have either cleaned up its language or been given an R rating.

Still, The Water Boy as a whole is as sweet and refreshing as a cold glass of water on a hot summer day.

Average Grade: B+

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