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Rob: Like, on the first single, um, it's called (looks over at Chester)
Chester: Somewhere I Belong
Rob: Yeah, I always forgot the name of our first single
Chester: (blows a rasberry)
Brad: Rob, My name is Brad. That's Chester. Right now we're in a hotel in New York doing an interview about our new album Meteora.
Rob: Okay...Kay, thanks. Alright, I'm back. I'm good. Yeah.

Rob on making the "Somewhere I Belong" video:
"Before it was shot, they were telling me which way to go in case I caught on fire. They said I wasn't supposed to run, I was supposed to drop on the ground and they were gonna hose me off. Joe likes to put us in danger." � Rob

Shoutweb: You okay?
Rob: Sorry, Joe Hahn is over here interrupting me. He trying to give me a lap dance so I lost my train of thought for a second. He's trying to distract me.
Shoutweb: (laughter) Well, I guess it worked! Speaking of samples...
Rob: Yeah, he giving me a sample of something I don't want! (laughter)
Shoutweb: As long as he doesn't start scratching, you'll be okay. (laughter)
Rob: Yeah, whenever he sees me on the phone, he starts trying to distract me.
Shoutweb: Tell Mr. Hahn to keep his clothes on. (laughter)

So, have their egos ever gotten the better of them?
Delson deadpanned: 'Just Rob. The rest of us are really even-keeled.'
Bourdon retorted: 'No, actually it's Brad, but see, people confuse us. People always ask me for guitar picks and ask Brad for drumsticks.'

There�s a lot of smacking each other on the face, wedgies, that kind of stuff. You can�t have enough wedgies to psyche yourself up before a show! It warms up your biceps you know, when you pick someone up by their underwear. � Rob

Mike: "Rob."
Rob: "Hi, how's it going?"
Mike: "Any thoughts, concerns?"
Rob: "No, just chillin with Big Ben."

Chester: "There was another time when Mike was in a really foul mood and we had to make a pit stop so he could use the porta potty.
Mike: "CHESTER?"
Joe: "I remember this one!"
Chester: "Anyways, Mike went to use the porta Potty and we were in the RV, It was Joe's Idea, But we all got out and started to rock the thing back and forth. We didn't mean to, but we ended up tipping the porta potty over while Mike was still in it".
Mike: "That's not funny!'
Joe: "Yeah it was. You should have seen the look on his face when you got outta there!"
Rob: "Mike was covered in crap, he had to strip down before we let him back on the bus because he smelled so bad!"
Chester: "Then we attacked him with air freshener."
Brad: "Lysol!"

Joe: I like, uh, kinda borrowed a few bucks from you, uh, Rob.
Rob: A few bucks? That's okay... how much did you take?
Joe: (whew) oh, just about $250 dollars or so...
Rob: WHAT!!!
Joe: Hey, you said it was alright.... (hehe)
Rob: When you gonna pay me back??!!
Joe: Thinks: "Hehe, when I FEEL like it...."

Brad: Jones soda rules!
Mike: I like the green apple.
Joe: Hehe green froggie apple!
Chester: Crushed mellon is good!
Rob: Hehehe you said mellon!
Mike: Mellon...Mellons...Bozoooooms!

Rob: Hey, Joe, what are you listening to?
Joe: Uh, nothing...
Brad: He's listening to Chester's Madonna CD's.
Joe: No I'm not!
Chester: What?! i never said you could listen to them!
Joe: I'm not!
Chester: I'm gonna kill you, you hacker!
Joe: Leave me alone! *hides his face in his arms*
Mike: It's okay, Joe...Chester's not gonna hurt you...
Chester: Yeah i'm not gonna hurt you...i'm just gonna...
Joe: No! Not the froggy!
Rob: Chester...
Chester: Oh, ok...geez, i was just joking...
Joe: *sniffs* No you weren' were were gonna..
Brad: Hey, do you want Mr. Froggy???
Phoenix: Yeah, Mr. Froggy won't hurt you...
Joe: Okay, thanks...
Little Drummer Boy Site

Rob: Back here we got the Phoenix. This is where we keep the Phoenix.
Phoenix: *playing a video game* You came in when I just lost too which dosen't happen that often.

Rob: *camera looks at Rob* Chester has the biggest collection of shoes. Chester has anywhere from ten to twenty pairs of shoes on tour with us.
Joe: We liken him to Imelda Marcos. *camera looks at Joe* Yes, I said that.

Chester: I'm sick of hearing people yelling. The only person I want to hear yell is me.
Brad: What about us?
Rob: Yeah, what about us? What happens when we're sick of that?
Frat Party DVD

Rob: This is the beautiful room service, chicken fricassee.
Mike: What does it smell like Rob?
Rob: *puts nose near the bowl* Oh...BAD.
Brad: Dude, I can't even believe you got that close to it!
Rob: *laughing* It smells like-
Mike: Dude, put the cover back on it.  It smells like BO.
Mike: The funniest part about chicken fricassee, is the evolution of Dave having to change the way he said it because the guy was laughing at him when he called up and asked for chicken frick-a-see.
Rob: That is the skylight window of the kitchen where this chicken was prepared, and we're going to return it.
Mike: Take it...back! *throws the chicken down @ skylight window*
Frat Party DVD

Interviewer: What is your bathroom reading material of choice?
Rob: I just kind of crap and get off the pot...I don't really read
Little Drummer Boy Site

Rob: Basiclly, I just like to bang the shit out of the drums.

"My favorite video is papercut because I just seat for 16 hours in making of it. And it's cool for what they did with my face"-Rob

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