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MTV LIT Special

During Meet and Greet in Asia

�There were 2 guys here told me that I�m much more handsome in person than I am in pictures!�

Rockline Interview

Q: What is the best and worst part of being able to shoot any music video in general?

Rob: The worst part would be taking direction from our DJ. He gets to boss us around and tell us what to do and we don't like that very much. But I think he takes a little advantage of us in that sense.

DJ: Do you have to call him Mr. Hahn?

Rob: Yeah, we kind of call him Mr. Hahn.

Mike: Director Mr. Hahn, Sir.

Hilldale - LPMB

K-ROCK interview at Claus-Fest

DJ: Did you hang out when they were... afterwards with the guitars and vocals and everything?

Rob: Yeah, we all kind of tend to stop in here and there and check up and see how everything sounds and voice our opinions and see how the smells in the studio are going.

Brad: You can tell who's actually tracking too cos like one guy will be super stressed out and the other guys are just hanging out making noise and playing pool.

Rob: (laughs) Exactly.

Brad: And one guy's like "Stop playing pool! I'm trying to think of lyrics!" or "I'm trying to write this next part"

Chester: The guys really enjoy coming in when Mike and I are working because they get to do all their really hard work outside of the studio and they just come in and put their parts. Whereas Mike and I literally come up with everything within the time frame of the time we start recording the records until the time we finish. So we're kind of condensed and they would just come in and really...

Rob (or Brad?): That's your fault.

Chester: And they judge us. They're like "Oh yeah, this isn't good enough yet." "Okay, that's great." "We're gonna play some pool. So why don't you keep writing some lyrics."

Hilldale - LPMB

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