The Good-guys are polytheistic!
The Bad-guys are monotheistic!

Born-Again 'Battlestar'
The Souls of Cylons

Ron Moore, executive producer of Battlestar Galactica, talks about the theology behind the Sci Fi Channel series. BSG Home
I don't think there is one character in this show that I don't like; even the Cylons or Col. Tigh.  Everyone is interesting!  I can see why Eddie Olmos and Mary McDonnell jumped on the bandwagon from the start.

If I had to chose a favorite character (at the point of a loaded gun, mind you) it would be
Kara Thrace aka Starbuck. Talk about a real woman!  She is good at the guy stuff she enjoys - piloting, Pyramid, gambling being a tough-ass flight instructor -  BUT she's not just that, she's also vulnerable and very spiritual: Her two personal gods are Aphrodite and Artemis.  She risked everything to go back to Caprica and see if she could find the Arrow of Apollo because she believes that President Roslin is a prophet sent by the Lords of Kobol (Gods) to guide humanity to safety.  Roslin "proves" that Starbuck isn't deluded in her faith when she, Roslin and a group return to Kobol with the arrow and find a map-of-sorts to Earth.

My second favorite character? 
President Roslin.   I don't know how many of you are students of history, but there is a famous picture of Lindon Johnson being sworn in on Airforce One right after Kennedy was killed.  The director of the scene where Roslin is sworn in uses the same camera angles to invoke that period in our history. (Isn't it ironic that a woman is swearing both of them in?)  I may absolutely detest how "Dubya Shrub" uses religion to lead the US, but I like how Roslin uses religion to lead the Colonials.  In my opinion, Bush isn't using his religion to further the good of the country, whereas Roslin was almost forced by circumstance to use religion to save humanity.  Interesting.
Drawing from Mormonism, Roman polytheism, and even Buddhism, the reimagined sci-fi TV series is steeped in religion. 
Another thing I just love about this show's presentation is that they don't Barbi Doll-up their women like some tv shows started doing (and it was part of the undoing of the franchise - imho).  The only woman (who is really a Cylon) that they sex-up is Number Six and her sexuality is part of who her character is and what she does NOT just a gimick to get the guys to watch.  The rest of the female cast are regular people.  In fact, when they shouldn't be wearing make-up, they don't (at least so it's noticable.)

I also have enjoyed the second season because it doesn't focus so much on the sex between Gaius Baltar and Number Six, that got old albeit funny most of the time.  It was almost over-done last year.

The BEST developements this season were the
budding attraction between Lee "Apollo" Adama and Starbuck and bringing the new Sharon "Boomer" Valerii (Cylon) on board.  The original Sharon was killed and died (after she'd shot Cmdr. Adama - yes, she's a Cylon) in the arms of her lover, Chief Tyrol. The new Sharon is in-love with Carl "Helo" Agathon, but has the memories of the old Sharon and her feelings for Tyrol.  Incidentally, both men are still in love with their Sharon even though they know she's a Cylon.
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My Thoughts on this Marvelous Show
The Organizer
Holy Water Home
Character Outlines and Mission Statement

An interesting compilation of essay style introductions to BSG and responses to viewer comments about the revisioned version of BSG that were written by the creator, Ron Moore, about the show and the characters.  This patchwork was peiced together by John Larocque. 
Who is Kara Thrace?
Season 1 recap from
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