I compensate for my allergies etc. by surrounding myself with images and representation of water and earth - the beach:

I have fountains at home and work.

I've decorated my appartment in light pastel colors with the theme of an East Coast beach house in mind.  Here is an
album of photos of my house that were taken in the winter of 2004-05.  My house has changed a bit since then: I got a Gaia altar on my large white "dresser" in the livingroom now, the center statue of which is Oberon Zell-Ravenhart's "Gaia":

Click on picture for link
I've moved some small things around on the nicnack shelves and created an ancestor altar to the First Mother of the Rest of the World in my kitchen.  It's fittingly a sea themed altar because
she and her tribe crossed the Gates of Grief to Yemen to populate the world. 
I've also rearranged my bedroom to give me more floor space.
Rose Welsh
My Spiritual Quest
Yup, I got one like everyone else: visit my blog.
Holy smokes!  Most pagan music is to durgey... this isn't -  Spiral Rhythm
More incredible pagan music!!!  Wowow - Brook
Stuff I love to do and such:

I love to
read Star Trek.  I just started to enjoy the newest installment to the franchise Enterprise and the powers that be decided to cancel it!  Doesn't make any sense:  It was the second most watched show on UPN and they went to all the trouble to hire Manny Coto (a Star Trek writing God) and Judith and Gar Reeves-Stevens (exemplerary Star Trek novelests) and the show really got on track. 

I am in-love with the new
Battlestar Galactica.

I love water. 

I wish that I didn't have excema because it prohibits me from going swimming and always has. I wish that I could live by the sea instead of in the middle of a desert.  But living by the sea would require that I live in a big city and/or in a wetter climate.  I hate big cities and they hate me: I have allergies to pollution.  I have pollen and mold allergies that get worse  in wetter climes.  I'm terrified of sharks, though I acknowlege that they are important for the niche that they inhabit in the environment. 
Adrien Brody Desk Top - Created by Me
This is my first attempt.  Done in Photo Impact Pro.
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