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Andy is a 20 year old English major who is obsessed with Roswell. He has never written fanfic before. His favorite Roswell characters include Kyle and Maria. It should be noted that he thinks he is probably the only Roswell fan that is couple neutral.  Favorite episodes include the "Pilot," "Monsters," "285 South," "Blind Date," "Independence Day," "Destiny," "Ask Not," "End of the World," and "Cry Your Name."

Angie (X_tremeroswellian):

Angie has been writing fanfic since "Leaving Normal" aired. She has written a great deal of Max/Liz fanfic, but recently developed a love for an unconventional pairing: Alex/Liz, who are her two favorite characters. Some of her fanfic includes "Matters of Trust", "Ghosts", "Something to Talk About", "Before I Knew You: the Series" and a series of Roswell/Angel crossovers, "Who I Am, What I'll Become".
Bill (DarthMaul 214)

Bill(Darth Maul 214) is a 28 year-old computer tech. Started as a poet in college. Branched into fiction after season 1. Primarily a Stargazer, but comfortable with most 'ships. Is an admin of Roswell Fanatics Fanfiction. Does not have a vast catalogue of fic, but is currently writing an epic 'Gazer crossover with The Crow and The Ties that Bind Us, a x-over with X-men:Evolution.

Brian (bkwrm79):

Brian is a 22-year old Political Science major. He began writing fanfiction at work late in the summer following first season. Brian is a Stargazer, often known as 'AlexEvans;' his favorite characters are Isabel, Alex and Lonnie. Most of his fanfic is Gazer or Gazer/All CC as well, including the "AURA", "Abduction" and "Divergence from Destiny" series, "The Gazer Novel" and a number of stand-alone fics (including "Departures", whose title was later ripped off for the season 2 finale).

Chicky (AndHerLittleChickenToo):

Chicky started writing Roswell Fanfiction in May of 2001, she is a co-founder of the 'Shadows of Roswell' Fanfic message board. Her stories are Michael/Maria centric, and can be found at 'Shadows of Roswell' and ''.
David (cameraman_dc):

David started writing fics back in Feburary He has written a total of three fics, "Of Aliens and Angels", "Alex Whitman: Alien Hunter", & "Dust in the Wind". David's fics have been centered around Alex, because he felt that Alex was a great character that got less attention than he really deserved.

He also runs a site known as
'The Observatory' a site for Alex & Isabel fanfic which me and other A/I fans started.

Icalynn started writing Roswell fanfic in December of 2000, but she did not start posting until April, 2001. Since then, she's completed many fics, including "Lies"; "Haunted Past"; "End of the World"; and "New Feelings".  Currently, she is working on many in progress fics such as "Chicky's Story"; "Revelations of Truth"; "Reunion of Sorts"; and "Evil ways".

Many of Icalynn's stories can be found on her board
'Private Paradise', she is also a co-owner of 'Shadows of Roswell'.
Kesha (ZeroPassion):

Kesha started writing Roswell fanfic back in September of 2000.  The first Roswell fanfic she ever wrote was "All Cried Out".  Other completed works by this delightful writer include; "The Heart Knows Best", "Utterly Alone", "Maria's Secret", "Realizations in Love", "It's not Easy to Be Me", "Eraser Room Fun", and "Love Letters".  She's currently writing to masterful pieces "Visions of the Heart" and the sequel to "Love Letters" called "Star (Etoile)". 

Most of her fics are GZ centetered with a hint of Stargazer and Rebounder content.  You can find all of her stories on her site
'From Friends to Lovers'.
Kitt (Tesserkitt, Tesseract):

Kitt is a 21-year old advertising major, currently studying and working part time. She lives in the Philippines, has a pet dog and three cats who coexist peacefully.. most of the time. An avid Stargazer literally and figuratively, she named her telescope Lucy and decorated her room with glow in the dark stars. She has worked on a couple of Roswell fics, mostly Stargazer (well, the ones that are online). Some of which are "Keys and Wishes", "Remembrances", "Watching". Most of her fics are at the '
Roswell Underground Archive' and 'The Observatory'. She lives in the Island of Denial, when she's not online, where she hangs out with the Stargazers.
Marianne (Sunnycouger):

Started writing fic in January and soon became hooked on it. She has 3 active fics including the almost epic length, "When It's Time To Leave Home" series, and the lighter "Dinner, Dancing & Football". Most of her work features all the CC's to a certain extent but tend to focus mainly on Alex/Isabel and Kyle/Tess.

She helps out at
'The Observatory' and is a co-creator and writer of 'Roswell's Big Brother'.
Nehal started writing Roswell fanfic before she even saw Roswell season 1.  She became a fan through The Crashdown's extensive transcript section and got hooked.
Her first fic was...."Desert Ramblings" a M/M foof piece.  Since then she's written lots of fic but her favourite completed ones are: "Sacrificial Lamb", "Caliente", "Indigo" and "Random Kisses" (which is a slash fic).  She writes mostly all couples except Max/Liz.
As for stuff she's working on- she has cut down drastically and at the moment is only writing "AIA" and "Milk and Honey" (a Roswell story with a biblical theme) for public viewing. Her favourite unfinished fic though is "Goth" and she plans to one day resume that one too! She works on random pieces of adult Roswell fic from time to time as well.  Nehal's fic can be found on 'Roswell Underground Archive', and her site ''.
Raspor (Migwhy):

Raspor started writing fic this spring, after reading at a thread where said is was a lack of Alex/Isabel fics out there, he had an idea, which resulted in the fic "The Brotherhood", after finishing that he's taken a few months off, but started again now, as he found a challenge he couldn't resist, that's the fic he's currently writing (it's called "Give Me Four Weeks Of Your Life", it's an Alex/Lonnie fic, not too many of those out there either).

His stories can be found at 'The Observatory', and at it's fanfic board.

Rosie (MajandraSoLucky):

Rosie is 15 year old student from Wellington, New Zealand, who is just entering her first year of exams. She got hooked on Roswell from 'Morning After' and discovered fanfiction after 'Destiny' aired in New Zealand. On reading the fic, she decided, as the NZ asian cuisine advertisement goes 'I can do that'. (Apology for bad joke no one will understand.)

Rosie's fics are mainly housed at her site,
Rosie's Roswelldom, and she feels that as she has been writing fic for a year now she has improved a lot due to positive feedback at the Roswell Underground message board. She started off as a mainly conventional shipper, but now has slight UC tendencies (Groupie, Catfighter, Starsighter etc.) As of late, Rosie has begun writing fanfiction for Andromeda.

Sheli (MiniSheli):

Sheli started writing Roswell fic in the abyss between "Sexual Healing" and "Crazy". Since then, she's completed many fics, including "Liftoff"; "Almost Family"; "Smile for Me"; and "Dirty Hands, Dirty Heart". Many will recognize at least one of her longer fics: "Breath Savers", "Guinea Pigs and Aliens", or "Until You Lose It", all of which she has since abandoned.

Currently, she is working on a series called "Tessaava" in addition to her various non-Roswell writings.  Her work can be found on
'Guilty Pleasures' and 'Roswell Underground Archive'.
Tracy (SpaceCowgirl):

Tracy started writing Roswell fic back in Season 1 - inspired by the lack of her favorite character - Kyle Valenti. Since then she has been somewhat of a voracious writer, populating many a site with her finished and unfinished stories. Most of her stories are Kyle centric, but is open to all genres. Some of her more recognizable writings are "Yes Tess, there is a Santa Claus", "Sidewalk Chalk" and "Boxes", the first story in the Timewarp Trilogy.
Episode 7 - Hide 'n Seek
Read the latest installment of Virtual Season 3.


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