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Brunel University Rowing Club

2001 Calendar

Last updated 15 Jan 2001

This is page is brought to you thanks to David Biddulph

13 Jan  Head of the Avon Gorge [date changed to 14 Jan]
14 Jan  Head of the Avon Gorge [date changed from 13 Jan]
20 Jan  Cambridge Head to Head [new link with correct date,
         though Regatta magazine erroneously says 27 Jan]
        Teddington Sculls [date changed from 24 Feb according to Regatta magazine,
         but not according to the organisers]
        Oarsmen's Cross-Country Run [2.30pm Windsor Great Park]
21 Jan  Boston Head [new link, correctly saying 21 Jan,
         though Regatta magazine erroneously says 14 Jan]
        Remenham Challenge (13:30 - HoRR course - based at London RC)
        Castle Dore [WEARA]
27 Jan  Hampton Head (Juniors/Schools)
        Western Eights Head of the Clyde [new link]
28 Jan  Stourport Head [new link]

3  Feb  Henley Fours Head [new link]
        Peterborough Head of the Nene
        Wycliffe Big Head [new link, though no sign of this year's info yet]
        Warrington Head of the Mersey
        Durham Head [new link]
4  Feb  Stourport Winter Head
        Quintin Eights Head [new event]
10 Feb  Henley Schools Head
        Molesey Veterans Head
        Avon County Head
        South Yorkshire Head [new link]
        Senior/ U23 assessment (M/W) - Boston 5000m
        Aberdeen Eights Head
11 Feb  Tideway Time Trials
        Bedford Head [new link]
        Greenwich Head
        Senior/ U23 assessment (LM/LW) - Boston 5000m
        Inverness Eights & Small Boats Head
17 Feb  Burway Head
        Norwich Head
        Worcester Head [alternative notice on RQ's page]
        Tyne Head
18 Feb  Wallingford Head [new info;  postponed from last year]
        Nottingham Head of the Trent [date changed from 25 Feb]
        City of Swansea Head
24 Feb  Reading University Head [this link from RUBC page not yet available?]
        Runcorn Spring Eights Head
        Teddington Sculls [new poster] [date changed to 20 Jan according to
         Regatta magazine, but the organisers confirm that the date has not
          changed from 24 Feb]
        Clydesdale Eights & Fours Head
25 Feb  Janousek Sculls
        Nottingham Head of the Trent [date changed to 18 Feb]
        City of Bristol Head

3  Mar  WOMEN'S EIGHTS HEAD (0915)
        Yorkshire Head
        Berwick Head
        Scottish Schools Head
4  Mar  Medway Fours Head
        Weybridge Veterans Head [new link]
10 Mar  Kingston Head
        Head of the Cam
        North of England Head
11 Mar  Gloucester Head
17 Mar  HEAD OF THE RIVER RACE (0945, previously shown as 1015)
18 Mar  Vesta Veterans Head (1030?)
20 Mar  SCHOOLS HEAD (1215/1300?)(date changed from 19th Mar)
23 Mar  Thames World Sculling Challenge [new date]
24 Mar  UNIVERSITY BOAT RACE (1330) new info
24-26 Mar Junior women sweep & Junior men sculling assessment - NWSC
25 Mar  Abingdon Head
        WOMEN'S & LIGHTWEIGHTS UNIVERSITY BOAT RACES (date changed to 1st Apr)
31 Mar  Scullers Head (1000 BST) [new link]
        Poole A.R.C. Head to Head [H&DARA]
31 Mar
 - 2 Apr  Junior men sweep assessment - NWSC

1  Apr  Veteran Scullers Head
        WOMEN'S & LIGHTWEIGHTS UNIVERSITY BOAT RACES (date changed from 25th Mar)
7  Apr  Glasgow Small Boats Head
8  Apr  Bedford Spring Fours & Small Boats Head [new link]
14 Apr  Nithsdale Juniors Regatta
21 Apr  North East Regatta (Aberdeen)
22 Apr  Leicester
        North East Regatta (Aberdeen)
23-?? Apr  Cambridge University Fours [postponed from 2000]
28 Apr  BUSA (+ Men's & Women's Inter-Regional Championships)
        Southampton Coastal HORR [H&DARA]
        Head of the Dart [WEARA]
29 Apr  BUSA
        Junior Inter-Regional Championships + Junior Sculling Regatta (Dorney Lake)

5  May  Nottingham City
        York Spring Regatta
        Strathclyde Park Regatta/ Scottish Universities' Championships
6  May  Nottingham City
        Strathclyde Park Regatta/ Scottish Universities' Championships
        Supersprint Rowing - Durham
12 May  Durham City
        Bedford Amateur [new link]
        Worthing [H&DARA]
        Castle Semple
13 May  Durham City
        Poplar (subject to confirmation)
19 May  Thames Ditton [new link]
        Tyne at Home
        Newport (Cowes) [H&DARA] (date changed from 16th June)
        Milford (Lymington) [H&DARA] (date changed to 16th June)
26 May  National Schools Regatta
        Metropolitan [venue changed to Dorney Lake, Eton]
        Doncaster [new link]
        Ryde [H&DARA]
27 May  National Schools Regatta
        Metropolitan [venue changed to Dorney Lake, Eton]
        Shanklin [H&DARA]
28 May  Tees Sprint

2  Jun  Hexham
        Southampton Town [H&DARA]
        Plymouth [WEARA]
9  Jun  Durham
        Poole [H&DARA]
        Greenbank Falmouth [WEARA]
10 Jun  Durham
13-16 Jun  Cambridge May Bumps
16 Jun  Reading Amateur
        Milford (Lymington) [H&DARA] (date changed from 19th May)
        Newport (Cowes) [H&DARA] (date changed to 19th May)
        Totnes and Bridgetown Royal [WEARA]
        Scottish Championships
17 Jun  Reading Amateur
        Dart-Totnes Sprint [WEARA]
        Scottish Championships
        Marlow [venue now Dorney Lake]
        Woolston [H&DARA]
30 Jun  Coalporters [H&DARA]
        West of England Veterans & Juniors - Bideford [WEARA]

7  Jul  Talkin Tarn [new link]
        Southsea [H&DARA] (date changed to 14th July)
        Exeter [WEARA]
14 Jul  Kingston Amateur
        Southsea [H&DARA] (date changed from 7th July)
15 Jul  Bedford Quarts Sprint [new link]
28 Jul  Swanage [H&DARA]
        Home International (Holme Pierrepont)

4  Aug  Bournemouth [H&DARA]
        Paignton [WEARA]
11 Aug  Stourport
        Christchurch [H&DARA]
12 Aug  Stourport Sprint
18 Aug  Berwick
        Scottish Jollyboat Championships (Royal West)
25 Aug  Itchen Imperial [H&DARA]
        Torbay Royal [WEARA]
        Loch Lomond Sprint
30 Aug  Dartmouth Royal [WEARA]

1  Sep  BTC [H&DARA]
        Bideford [WEARA]
2  Sep  H&DARA Championship Row-offs if required (Dock Head, Soton.) [H&DARA]
1 or 8 Sep ??  International Supersprint - Eton ?
8  Sep  Southcoast Championships, Folkestone
        Inverness Sprint
15 Sep  Nithsdale Sprint
22 Sep  Glasgow Sprint
29 Sep  Durham Veterans & Juniors
        Aberdeen Sprint

6  Oct  Wear LDS
7  Oct  St Ives Small Boats Head
13 Oct  Pairs Head
        Tyne LDS
14 Oct  Bedford Autumn Fours & Small Boats Head [new link]
20 Oct  Wansbeck LDS
27 Oct  Hylton LDS
        Clydesdale Scullers Head

3  Nov  Tees LDS
        Aberdeen Fours Head
4  Nov  Aberdeen Small Boats Head
10 Nov  Fours Head
        Berwick LDS
        Inverness Fours Head
11 Nov  Kingston Small Boats Head
24 Nov  Glasgow Fours Head
29 Nov  Wingfield Sculls final (11 am)

1  Dec  Rutherford HoR

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