Call for a Revolutionary Anti-War Movement
Kwame Ture 
(Stokely Carmichael)

(THE ANTI-WAR ACTIVIST         Vol.1, No.1 May 1991)
	American imperialism thinks it has scared the world's people into bowing down 
before the New World Order, which is the old order without justice. They scared no one. And. 
if they think they have ended the Palestine problem, they have only created more hatred for the 
U.S. and Zionism.

	Africans have made no advancement in America without shedding their blood. Yet they 
are so confused that they are the first to shed blood for the system which made them shed their 

�blood. African soldiers knew nothing of Iraq or Kuwait, nothing of Zionism. All they knew was Saddam was a monster. Never�theless the African in America represents the most instinctively revolutionary group in the country because of the position they are in. It is time for us to get conscious.

	Africans gave leadership to the Vietnam anti-war movement. On the extreme was the SNCC 
with its slogan "Hell no, we won't go." In the middle stood Dr. Martin Luther King. The capitalists 
would make his "I had a dream" speech his most popular speech. But we must make his "why I oppose 
the war in Vietnam" speech the real speech.

	Thought without action is empty. If you are not involved in the struggle for peace, if you 
are not involved in advancing the oppressed, then you can't really think about peace or the advancement 
of the oppressed. There is no grey area.  If you are not involved, then, by your inactivity, you are against 
the people and for the enemy.

	The great error of the 60s movement was its spontaneous nature. That made it temporary, assuring 
its defeat. The enemy waited it out. All temporary movements deal only with issues.
	[ In ] the 60s people only mobilized. They did not organize around a positive idea. The anti-war 
movement must become permanent because capitalism is permanent. It must go beyond get out of Grenada. 
Panama. the Middle East. It must go on the offensive. We must struggle to destroy 

imperialism. Africans will play crucial role here by organizing on a conscious, mass basis inside their community. Above all. the 
people must be educated to know that they can educate themselves.

	America does not have a volunteer  army. It has an unemployed army. Therefore bringing the troops 
back is not really the issue. Getting jobs for everyone is the issue. Peace and jobs must be one inseparable slogan. 
The highest unemployment rate is among African vets. But we must also relentlessly politically educate poor whites, 
who believe the Rambo stuff, and suffer and get nothing.

	Africans must transform the anti-war movement to an anti-�capitalist and anti-Zionist movement. We have 
no choice. If we don't bow down to zionism we are chastized or destroyed. The zionists tried to chastize Mandela 
for his support for the PLO. They control our community's politicians. Look how they work harder for Israel than for 
Azania-South Africa! We must properly distinguish between Judaism and Zionism. But our slogan must be King's 
slogan: "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. "
	Africans have a responsibility to internationalize the anti-war movement. Internationalism is necessary because, 
after Iraq, imperialist wars will frequently be coalition affairs. The American movement must hook up with British, 
French and German anti-war activists.

	Africans in America must consciously be on the front lines of a permanent revolutionary struggle against the 
system.  In their fight for justice they have gone from burning plantations to burning cities. Tomorrow we will bum the 
nation. The capitalists talk: about order. Hitler had the best order. But. to get justice we will destroy every order - old, 
new, the newest. In the end, there is one fundamental question: Who will own and control society?  Either the few 
will- or everyone will. There is no middle ground.



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