
has always been a target of zionism:

 zionism will find its grave in AFRICA!

The zionist congress was held in 1897 in Basle, Switzerland. The primary aim of this reactionary movement was setter-colonialism. It's first victim was to be Africa, patterned after Cecil Rhodes and the British South Africa Company. From the very founding of the zionist movement, based on its principles and racist ideology, alliances, and objective, zionism was clearly another merciless form of imperialism and a deadly enemy of African People.

zionism used both Christianity and Judaism to confuse African people by making us believe that Judaism and zionism are one in the same. Judaism then became a smoke-screen for zionist European nationalism. zionism confused a religious identity and a national identity.  The roots of zionism are found in Europe among Europeans. zionism is not indigenous to Africa or Palestine.

Because of this confusion, directed by zionism, the terror "the illegal zionist entity known as israel" unleashed on the world. Its genocidal policy of "cleansing" Palestine, and disregard for human life in many quarters has gone unchallenged. An international environment has been created that allowed and continues to allow zionism to commit murder against Africa, Arabs, particularly Palestinians, and all Peoples of the world.

Africa was always a target for zionism, a land if not to be occupied, then to be raped to finance and provide resources for the establishment of "the illegal zionist entity known as israel." [Theodore] Herzl met with Joseph Chamberlain, then Colonial Secretary for Great Britain regarding the establishment of a "Jewish" colony in Africa. Chamberlain approved Herzl's proposal to colonize Wadi el-Arish, Sinai, Egypt. The only interruption to the colonization of Wadi el-Arish in Sinai, Egypt was tension over the borders of Egypt and Palestine between Britain and Turkey. Five years after the zionist congress, zionism colluded with British, French, and German imperialism, led by Joseph Chamberlain and the zionists Leopold Greenberg and Leopold Kessler, a European zionist settler in South Africa, to establish a zionist state in Africa.

The offer by British imperialism to create a zionist state in Africa was rejected by the 'religious' faction of the zionist movement. All energies were then directed at the colonization of Palestine. In 1927, to thwart zionist negotiations with Germany, British imperialism agreed to a zionist colonization of Palestine in the form of the Balfour Declaration. Thirty years later, zionist, British, French, German, and US collusion led to the November 29,1947 UN Palestine Partition Resolution. On May 14, 1948 the "illegal zionist entity known as "israel" was founded on the blood of  Palestinians.

History has recorded the treachery of zionism in Africa from zionism's birth and it is on this basis all Africans must understand that zionism is an enemy of the African Revolution and Pan-Africanism, The primary method of infiltration of zionism into Africa is through its largescale military training, para-military youth organizations, defensive rule settlements and technical and financial assistance programs. African People's struggle against zionism is the same struggle to rid Africa of settler-colonialism and neo-colonialism and achieve Pan-Africanism. The struggle against zionism is an act of African culture, a authentic expression of the Revolutionary African Personality.

            The African Revolution recognizes zionism and Pan-Africanism can not co-exist in Africa or the world. Given the level of misunderstanding regarding zionism and the immoral establishment of the state of israel, the Palestinian and African Revolutions have made tremendous advances against zionism, particularly in the ideological arena. In 1969, zionist israel's prime minister, Golda Meir, with utter contempt stated, "There is no such thing as Palestinians ... they did not exist."

            Today, not only does the world recognize the injustices perpetrated against the Palestinian People, it is more aware that zionism is an instrument of imperialism, led by the US. World humanity continues to shed the light on zionism. We must intensify our efforts, we must strengthen our resolve, we must never relent in our struggle to destroy zionism. Its an inevitable victory in our Revolutionary struggle for Pan-Africanisim. zionism will find its grave in Africa!!!


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