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We'd like to underline that we are not a Dating Agency but we are Marriage Agency. All our services are paid. But we have One month free trial period for those who first want to test our correspondence services. You can start your correspondence with single Russian females right now. All our agency's single Russian girls are marriage minded.

You are looking for a free Russian singles from Western Europe. Why single Russian ladies? Many men are very unhappy with their local women. This is particularly true for the USA, Canada, Europe, It's not that they want some meek submissive little thing they can lead around by the nose. What they want is a single russian girls who will be a more "traditional" kind of wife, who is probably more oriented toward being a wife than being a career woman. Many middle-aged men want a foreign Christian single significantly younger than themselves.

The truth is average free Russian singles, while they are anything but submissive, are usually also not forceful or domineering. The women are generally highly supportive of their husbands. Most men seeking such a wife really want someone who isn't the extreme opposite . Unfortunately, too many of today's American and other Western women are, and these men have simply given up on them.

Most men who seek dating single russian women are just ordinary guys. In the last 10 years, the majority of the men seeking russian singles were generally middle aged divorced men between 30 and 60. After a number of years dating American women they were not able to find the kind of woman they wanted. For the most part these men want a single russian woman significantly younger than themselves, who is physically attractive, charming, gentle, sweet, feminine and whose primary career goal is to become his wife, as opposed to pursuing some professional career and, in addition, being a wife. These are qualities typical of a single russian woman.
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