Hajime Saitoh
Well though I may not want to admit it, this wolf man and police man can have his moments.  Though he is kind of... I mean very mean and critical of humans in general, he surprisingly has a wife (whom Kenshin thinks is Buddha.)  His wife interests me more than him though he is kind of cute giving the three main girls nicknames.  ^_^
He doesn't usually look like this...  Trust me... it is unusual to see him smile and I am surprised that I have found these pics.
His famous quotes:

�How�s that old saying go? The one about sneezes? If sneezing three times means someone doesn�t like me, I think I�ll survive.�


"The mongrel dog who tucks its tail between its legs and runs away from battle without fighting should not bark!"
Rock a Choo-choo...
This is normally what he looks like the lil devil!
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