
About Us

This site serves as a develomental resource for PC building, as well as a shop for the purchase of certain PC parts. The first steps taken in developing the site were the possible services we are able to offer. Next we put together a list of 5 categtories of information pertinent to providing such services. These five categories were made into the 5 pages on this website, listed on the nav bar. Then the color scheme was chosen based on the emblem chosen for the header (blue power symbol); blue, black, grey and white.

The decision about the layout and design was concluded due to the simplicity and ease at witch one might navigate the website. A nav bar with all 5 pages, on each page all pertinent information is in order top to bottom. The color scheme is easy on the eyes and simple, but not dull. The font is standard and easy to read as well.

In the immediate future a sixth page will be added to allow the user to add and view the items in their cart for online checkout. At present they submit items to us and can cancel via email, found in the contact page. An understanding of how cookies work relative to user browsing and items in carts is something that would need to be incorporated before this could be done. We would also like to expand the diversity of products offered by the company.