

NetRunner is the third in the Wizards of the Coast (WotC) 'Deckmaster' series of collectable card games. It is based on R. Talsorian's roleplaying game Cyberpunk 2020. NetRunner is set in the not-so-distant future where corporations make the laws and runners constantly search for information, the real measure of wealth.


NetRunner is currently comprised of the main set (v1.0, released in both french and english) and an expasion set Proteus (v2.1). After being dormant for two years, NetRunner has recently been revived and addded to WotC's 'Classic' line of games, which includes Jyhad/Vampire:TES and Battletech CCG. In November of 1999, WotC released a new expansion set named Classic (v2.2). NetRunner is now enjoying a renaissance of sorts as people rediscover the game. The fact that public support is on the rise despite going two years with no new cards is a testament to the game's solid mechanics and great gameplay.


The Top Runners Conference (TRC) is the official NetRunner players organization. They are recognized by Wizards of the Coast and work hard to promote NetRunner. A link to their site is provided here for your convenience. If you wish to join the Ottawa City Grid (the Ottawa area cell of the TRC), just visit the O.C.G. section and fill out the form.


Players must master two roles, both Corporation and Runner, in order to succeed. The Corporation uses all of its money and influence to protect and advance its agendas while the Runner, a high-tech hacker, attempts to steal this information (and possibly sell it off to the highest bidder).


The Corporation must build and protect data forts to store and advance their agendas. This is done using the following cards:

  • AGENDA - Agenda are the focus of the game. The Corporation must advance them while the Runner tries to steal them.
  • ICE - ICE (Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics) is all that stands betweeen a Runner and his goal. There are three types of ICE: Walls, Codegates, and Sentries.
  • OPERATIONS - Operations are actions that the Corporation takes. These range from tracing the Runner as he/she moves through netspace to a little urban renewal.
  • NODES - Nodes are places where information is stored. Runners, however, must beware for some nodes are designed to lure them to a less than desirable fate.
  • UPGRADES - Upgrades are used to fortify existing data structures and further thwart the Runner.

The Runner must collect resources, assemble programs, and run the Corporation's forts to earn a living. This is done with the following cards:

  • PROGRAMS - Programs are essential weapons in any Runner's arsenal. These are what the runner needs to break the Corporation's ICE.
  • PREPS - Preps are actions the Runner takes and can range from sabotage to organ donation.
  • HARDWARE - Hardware is used to upgrade the Runner's system or protect his meatspace shell.
  • RESOURCES - Resources are the Runner's meatspace contacts and connections.

The best way to learn the game is to observe/play it. An on-line demo of NetRunner is available here.

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