Little Yellow House


The Gallery

Here is the little yellow gallery, a motley collection of a few pics that i dug out of the old photo album, they are arranged over a few different pages, so choose your link and follow away!!!........More pics will be added presently...

The Tim and leo Pics

Good friends from way, way back!

Tims BIG day!!!

Tims Wedding

Keele 1994-6

My first couple of years at keele Uni!

My little band at keele, breathing new life into the word ameteur, just check out Miks drums!!


Keele 1997-9

Pics from my last couple of years at Keele!

Keele 1997-9 Page 2

A group pic from my year at Keele, and a rare pic of the charismatic (and an exellent tutor) Dr Fear

Keele Classics Department 1999 pics

Pics from my trip to Keele in June (probably my last visit as evyone has left)

Results Day 2000

Currently only one pic, of family looking skywards on new years eve

The Family Ash

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