The Little Yellow House
On This Site
Who am I?
Cornish History Lesson
Welcome to the all new mark II version of the Little Yellow house. In a defferant bow to irony it is no longer Yellow, but considering the number of people who said by way of a review that "It is..... very yellow", then I don't think that toning down the Yellow thing is such a bad thing really, never liked the colour anyway!
Did God say that?
Hated things part 1!
Whats new?????? 
Hopefully now available will be a little page for the Smugglers Inn tuesday night folk club that I am a regular at, why not have a peak! Also have added a few new music links.
If you are a masochistic type there are now some of my poems and song lyrics up aswell. Not recommended.
What News????????
Hello to all! it is february. Cold number three in a row is clearing and things are looking up. Newswise not much. Locked myself out of my own house last week and had to break in which was kinda funny I suppose, especially since I had done my annual losing of wallet the day before, which was fortunately for me swiftly recovered. Actually I wasn't laughing!
  Still job hunting, so no news there of late. And thats it for the early february news.

On a matter of curiousity, is it just me or has my page counter become invisable, as I cannot see it when I go to my page? please let me know if you can see it.

Recent Happy Birthdays to Tim and Mik for late in January, and indeed to that lass known to us once upon a time, Annabel for early february. Only 1 year 3 months since last word came from there! Nevermind eh.
Thanks eternal to Andy for this one, a 'nostalgiacs' paradise..go there!
This page was last updated
5th February 2001
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