Little Yellow House

The Lobby


Welcome once again to this domain of black/red/purple/yellowness. that is me above, Simon Myrddin Ash.
I was born on the eighth day of december in the year of our lord nineteen hundred and seventy four in Epsom, Surrey England, where I lived for the first ten years of my life in a rather leafy suburban village called Oxshott.
  When ten or eleven my family moved to the little town of St.Just In Penwith, at the very western tip of Cornwall, and haven't looked back since- despite a recent five years away at Keele University (from which I graduated in Ancient History and International Politics) I count myself as a Cornishman, in spirit if not in blood!

  My number one personnal interest (or hobby as it may otherwise be termed) is songwriting, and i will put a few of these up on the site (for the sadisticaly bored), though I must warn that I am a rank ameteur- so if you do decide to listnen to one of these don't get your hopes up! i am also a purveyor of good quality folk music, and you will be able to eventually visit a number of small tribute/links pages via the frontpage... indeed I plan to include a couple of less 'folky' bands aswell!

  Well thats enough about me, so why not pay a visit to the Gallery and meet some of my marvellous friends???

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