Little Yellow House


Loves and Hates

This really is a page that should be of no interest to anyone of sound mind! It is basically aplatform for me to let off some steam or lavish praise upon the few saving graces that this life affords! Writing down a comparative list of things I love and Hate it became disturbingly apparent that the hates had it hands down! What this means I cannot say, I don't think that I am a bitter and twisted soul, but hey- judge for yourself!

WILLIAM HAGUE.. Has to top my current list of hates. My former ancient history tutor at Keele has likened him to a 'minor annoyance' and is right to point out the mans general irrelevance. BUT, none the less it is those minor annoyances like itching mosquito bites and not being able to find the TV guide that really have the potential to get you going, and I have to say that the man makes my skin crawl, apart from being a Tory which is a bad start he is pretention at its height, the very pinnicle of obsequios insincerity, and his speaches read like a schoolboy pretending to be Winston Churchill.. Good luck Willy, you need it boyo!

HUNTING FOR SPORT is next on my list of passionate hates. Frankly it is not nesessary (never could spell that word), nature takes care of itself and in a supposedly civilised (whatever you interpret that word to mean) society it stands out as a testament to the very worst in us all- death for pleasure, well really! What annoys me tremendously here is the 'countryside alliance' which claims that the current drive to ban hunting with hounds is a case of city folk not understanding the particular needs of country folk, that hunting and 'the country' go hand in hand in some timeless and vital way...WELL, as a country chap I firstly refute the claim that we all in the country see the hunting debate as an instance of city imperialism... and secondly hunters may like to note the existance of the countryside long since before ere hunting for sport or even the human race for that matter came into being!

EUROSCEPTISISM.. Where as I would never loath a man just for saying 'FU' to Europe I would take issue with the fellow. I am a commited 'good European' and look forward to a single currency, nor even do I fear a 'United States of Europe' if it is done in the right way- that means getting rid of Brussles burocracy and democratising the whole affair. My reasons are simple, they are not because 'we would suffer oh such terrible things if we stayed outside while everyone else went ahead without out us'- that is a terrible argument and does the cause no favours what so ever. I believe that the move away from petty squabbling nation states ( which are a recent invention anyway, and national histories of national origins are almost always myth) towards a united humanity must surely be the only way to plot the course of the next Millenium. Can anyone look me in the eye and say that a coin is a VITAL part of their identity... I find that very sad!

OPRAH, JERRY SPRINGER, RICKY LAKE et al... They are rubbish....arn't they???

FACTORY PRODUCED MUSIC.. what do I mean by this, well that would be a good question cos I don't really know.. Lets just say acts that perform songs that pretend to represent 'high love' and new age values whilst being produced soley to make money for the coffers of certain cynical exploitative buisnesess, I suppose Stock Aitkin and waterman would be a good example of this.. utterly unengaging pointless drivell. Listen to the words man!

NIMBYS.. Oh yes the not in my back yard brigade, why? because they are generally speaking total hypocrites.. 'Oh we don't like those fossil fuel power stations and all that pollution etc' they cry, but just hear them winge when you try and build them a nice locally situated wind farm!

FACISTS.. Kill them all!!!! er um, sorry.. racism is a sure sign of an exremely gullable individual, I can't for the life of me take in how sometimes reasonable people can choose to place such store in the myth of national destinys, and racial identities.. for example, if you think you are English and that the English have been here forever, then perhaps its time somebody pointed out that you are a mongrel whose lineage in these islands is unlikely to go back much before the ninth century! Just several thousand years of human occupation of these islands before that!


MOBILE PHONES.. Aside from the fact that they work on a similar principle to microwave ovens, I find them highly bemusing, the way people shout down them on trains, with hardly a care as to who might be listnening, when you can gaurentee they wouldn't talk to someone face to face with such little regard for privacy.. The way people walk down the street fiddling with there little buttoned friend... the way they a worn strapped to peoples hips like a pair of six guns... and not to mention those ridiculous tunes they merrily chime...........Progress????

WASPS.. The only animal in the entire natural world (apart from humans) that i have any disrespect for.. they KNOW that I am allergic to them so they delight in making me look an idiot running at full belt away from their cruel advances!!!

That will do for now, oops I forgot my loves...Arse!

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