Little Yellow Folk
Welcome to the little Yellow folk pages! Currently in its infancy it is STILL not much more than an online version of my internet bookmarks (sorry!). BUT, changes are afoot... you may now visit the Smugglers Inn folk club (under construction). More too come soon!
The Links
Music resources
The Smugglers
What will you find?
St.Ives Folk Club
Currently showing at little Yellow Folk, the  mandatory links, my Equation page (very small) and the Smugglers Inn folk club page (new)!
Comming soon, All About Eve,Kate Rusby and the Fureys! Yes I know, I wrote all this months ago.. but look out cos I will do it, soon, one of these days... honest! Until then why not go and see Pay The Reckoning, its ace! Follow the link in the music resources section.. go on!
Tribute pages
The Smugglers inn is the folk club which I am now a regular attendant of, it has a great atmosphere and all are welcome from all ends of the ability threshold (I mean they let me play for gods sake). Hopefully I will find a way to start going to the Royal Standard at Gwinear again and indeed the St Ives club, but my inability to weild an automobile gives me some transport problems for these at present, but I WILL make it eventually and when I do they will be represented here also... indeed you can visit the page of the St.Ives club via the link
This page was last updated
23rd Jan 2001
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