Little Yellow House
Links Page
On this Page will be found links to friends sites, or to sites of relevance to myself and friends, with any luck we may one day have a web ring of ex- Keele buddies up and running!
Follow this link to reach Mark Selby, its been a while since he last updated, but still a one to see!
The superb website of Andy Cousins, makes my efforts look like scruffy yellow mess! Well yes they are but who cares!
An absolute must from a genuine computer wizard the one and only Mr Steve Beck, his 'faces of Keele' is definately to be seen, featuring many of my Keele friends and even a rather humourous monologue on me! Yes I do like that hat!
Well I said that Damians page would grow and blossom, its now a vast site full of midlands promise, totaly fantastic.. see for yourself!!
Jill Another must, visit Jill Bamford, blessed with a fantastic singing voice and a razor sharp wit, here!!
Rowena Visit my marvellous 'baby' sister here!
Where many paths crossed, visit Keele here.
Keele University
Why not download Microsoft messenger, its free and you can chat instantly (in a typed kind of way) if you get it or have it already my msn address is [email protected]
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