Creator: Yuu Watase

Manga: 14 Volumes

Anime: 24 Episodes
Ayashi No Ceres
Ayashi No Ceres was created by the same brillant artist that brought us Fushigi Yuugi, Yuu Watase. Mikage Aya has always wished for a bit more excitement in her life. School, friends..everything is just too normal for her. She has no idea how "unnormal' her life is about to become. Her seemingly peaceful life is about to be just a thing of the past when she discovers she is posseed by a tennyo, or celestial maiden named Ceres. Ceres is her long past decendent and she wants to kill of the Mikage family for stealing her hagoromo (feathered robe). To make matters worse, her twin brother, Aki, is possed by the fisherman that stole the hagoromo in the first place and is determined to take back his woman at any cost. Luckily for Aya, two gorgeous guys end up coming to her rescue. The mysterious Touya, a man without his past, and the headstrong genius chef Yuuhi. Aya must chose between them with searching for the hagoromo to help save her brother from Ceres' wrath.

Ayashi No Ceres is another great story from Watase-san. Again, she mixes the best combination of comedy, love, and tragedy. This tale is somewhat much darker then Fushigi Yuugi and corsses more boundries than it ever reached. I highly recommened this series. It's been released in America from Viz Video. They released 8 DVDs with 3 episodes each for around $30.The dubbing though is very disappointing. If you dun mind owning the bootleg, you can pick up the entire series for usually only $40 for subtitled only DVD. Much easier on the pocket and just as excellent in the quality.
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Also, check out Yuu Watase's other hit,
Fushigi Yuugi!
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