Cary Elwes as Wesley aka the Dread Pirate Robin Wright Penn as Buttercup in The Princess Bride (1987)

The Dread Pirate Roberts

The first and only pirate franchise.


In The Princess Bride, the only thing known to the majority of people concerning the Dread Pirate Roberts is that he never left captives alive. Presumably, his profound reputation was established solely by tales from former sailors of his ship, the Revenge.

However, it is revealed that Roberts is not one man, but actually a series of different men, of whom each periodically passes the name and reputation to a chosen heir. Everyone except the successor is then released at a convenient port, a new crew hired, and the former Roberts stays aboard as first mate. The constant reference to "Captain Roberts" establishes the new Roberts' persona. After the crew was convinced, the former Roberts departed the ship and retired in splendor.

Holders of the title Dread Pirate Roberts included:

• The original Roberts, retired fifteen years in Patagonia at the time Ryan picked Westley to be the next Dread Pirate Roberts;
• Clooney, the original Roberts' first mate;
• Cummerbund;
• Ryan;
• Westley, who presumably retires shortly following the end of the novel;
• Inigo Montoya (presumed in movie).


Dread Pirate Roberts: Bibliography

• The Princess Bride (1973)


Dread Pirate Roberts: A Filmography

Played by Cary Elwes
• The Princess Bride (1987)


Available Titles

Author: William Goldman
Publisher: Harvest Books

Wikipedia Links:
William Goldman
The Princess Bride (Film)
The Princess Bride (Book)


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