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Becoming One with all things Again
Paganism, the return to the Earth, or the Great Awakening, as it is often referred to seems to be the latest trend sweeping the human race.  Perhaps it is time that we heard the drumbeat and the call to return to the Old Ways. 
Paganism is a collectively used term to describe the religions that are inspired by or rooted in indigenous traditions from all over the world.  It is earth-centered spirituality that also links to the concept of all life being interconnected and dependent upon each other.  Paganism also teaches a respect for all life and an adoration for the source of life,  planet Earth.  Most Pagan traditions are polytheisic, and often feature both a male and female divintiy which are equally observed and respected.  We are a people who live lightly on the earth, we value diversity of people and respect for them all.  Pagans believe wholly in the equality of genders, individuality and freedom, and working in the community to educate those about our culture to nullify hate and bigotry.  We also believe highly in spiritual growth and peace.
Many Pagans find their religon deep in the eons of history and others have a new take on the beings that inhabit this planet.  There is no correct way of being a Pagan.  Only to respect each other, yourself, and the planet and its inhabitants.  Paganism often sees a great and powerful female divinity, an Earth Mother, in many aspects which is a thought and belief system lacking in Western religions. 
We also view the Divine as immanet and transcended.  We experience our divinity everyday, in everything we do, in everything we think, and in all of our experiences.  Paganism has no holy book, no hierarchy, and no guru or leaders.  Our spiritual communion is direct, with the Divine.  They hear our thoughts, our words, and our dreams.
Pagans celebrate the Wheel of the Year versus traditional Christian holidays.  A picture of the Wheel is  below.  The most popular deities and theories of Paganism come from Greek, Roman, Native American, Celtic, ancient Egyptian, Chinese, Baltic, Norse, and Middle East.      
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