Season One Memorable Quotes
1.01 "Something Wicca This Way Comes"

*Piper: I have a great idea. Why don't I make a fabulous reunion dinner?
Prue: I'm not hungry.
Phoebe: I ate on the bus.
Piper: okay, we'll try the group hug later.

*Phoebe: some woman got whacked.
Piper: whacked? Phoebe, you've been in New York way too long.

*Phoebe: according to the Book of Shadows, one of our ancestors was a witch named Melinda Warren.
Piper: and we have a cousin who's a drunk, an aunt who's manic, and a father who's invisible.

*Phoebe: are you okay?
Prue: no, i'm not okay! you turned me into a witch!

1.02 "I've got You Under My Skin"

*Phoebe: News flash. Stop worrying, you'll get wrinkles.

*Piper: By the way, Andy called.
Prue: When?
Piper: While you were in the shower. Bad date?
Prue: no, no, no. Not at all. It was great. You know, dinner, movie,... sex.
Piper: Excuse me? On the first date? You sleaze.

*Phoebe: What shouldn't have happened?
Piper: Prue slept with Andy.
Phoebe: Hello.
Prue: thanks  a lot, mouth.

1.03 "Thank you for not Morphing"

*Prue: okay, i came, I saw, I was perky. Now all I want is my head on a pillow cuz I have to get up early.

*Phoebe: I just read from the book and WHAM! I'm Tabitha.

*(scene: Prue and Andy are discussing Victor's sudden return)
Prue: There are things I want to tell him, I want him to know what he's missed. You know, like the time I broke my arm or the day that I finally passed my driver's test, our prom...
Andy: Didn't we miss that too?

*Leo: Call me Leo
Phoebe: Gladly.

1.04 "Dead Man Dating"

*Piper: I panic, I put both hands up and bad things tend to freeze.

*Piper: So can make Peking Duck and clone DNA?

*Piper: Leave it to me to fall for a dead guy.
Phoebe: It's an improvement. At least he wasn't a warlock.

*Piper: Did I getcha? I gotcha.
Prue: yeah, You got me.

1.05 "Dream Sorcerer"

*Phoebe: (from another room) Piper, I was wrong, the spell calls for cayenne pepper, not black pepper. (she walks into the kitchen and sees Prue) Ooh, did I say spell? I ... I meant recipe. We are so busted, aren't we?

*Phoebe: i'm telling you Piper, the spell worked.
Piper: Shh. A little louder, Pheebs. I don't think Oakland heard you.

*Phoebe: go away, horny tom cats.

1.06 "Wedding from Hell"

*(scene: Prue is knocking on the bathroom door. Piper is inside)
Prue: Piper, are you still in there?
[cut to the bathroom. Piper is holding up a pregnancy test]
Piper: I'm almost done?
Prue: definate almost.
Piper: just give me another minute... or two.
Prue: You're positive?
Piper: (whispering) I hope not
Prue: Piper, I cannot be late today.
Piper: (whispering) I know the feeling.

*Piper: At certain times in your life, a cold cold shower is probably a good thing.
Phoebe: Not three mornings in a row it's not!

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